How to level up in business and life without...
Compromising your joy, peace, health & relationships now to get there.
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I want to be notified for the next buildy your vision sessionHave you ever experienced hitting a goal or achievement...but didn’t feel the security, freedom or success that you expected?
I have, and many of my clients also didn’t get what they were expecting either. They then set their next goal, thinking that must be the one to get them where they wanted to go.
Think of your biggest goal. When you hit that goal or achievement, do you think you’ll wonder...
- Why the hell did I do this?
- Why am I still not financially secure and feel time freedom?
- Why did I sacrifice my health and relationships to have this?
- Who am I really and why did I compromise myself for this?
- What do I have to live with now?
Despite the external success you see others having, these thoughts are more common than the positive outcomes.
Are your goals your own?
Or are they just the next step down a path that’s not meant for you?
Discover and create your vision in the live coaching call. Register here!
Register to be notified for the next Live build your vision coaching session
Free Live Coaching Session
with Faisal Ensaun
Certified High Performance Coach & Educator
“This live coaching call exceeded all my expectations. I was able to clearly see and build my vision for my future and because it was a real coaching session Faisal also gently but directly enabled me to see my current blocks.
This exercise allowed me to move further in my business and personal life in the weeks after the live session.“
- Monica Orto | Designer & Consultant
This is a free interactive small group coaching session I host every month.
You will get a chance to talk to one another and ask me anything. We experience one of the most profound vision building exercises that I have taught dozens of clients.
Just imagine no longer grinding and surviving toward a distant goal, waiting for some achievement.
Instead of letting your health, happiness and relationships suffer to reach your goals...
You are instead living your best life, in your best health and growing your relationships stronger than ever while pursuing and building your dreams.
- Imagine being fulfilled, clear and connected. Telling your loved ones that you have time and you have the energy.
- Imagine feeling energy, focus, fulfilled, at peace and excited for each day. Working on and building something bigger than you ever thought possible for you.
- It is possible for you. But not with the dated strategy and partial systems we’ve been taught.
What’s really holding you back,
is not what you think is holding you back.
I reveal this in the live session.
I know it sucks when things that we want, or the joyful things and relationships in our life become challenges and complexities that drain us.
Many of us find ourselves inadvertently doing everything we can to get away from the pain and frustration.
Even working more to do so.
That was me too.
I learned the hard way how my achievement was taking me further from my dreams.
Like you and many of my clients I studied for a degree or worked hard to climb the ladder in a profession and worked hard to overcome using substances and distractions to help me get through my overwhelm, lack of clarity and waiting for my past to heal before I could move forward.
After all my acheivements I was still waking up miserable. I couldn’t connect with my wife and family, I didn’t know how to start a business. I didn’t know who I am.
I spent over $40,000 and years of work to get me THERE and I wasn’t anywhere close to the “HERE” I wanted.
I sat with my problems and wondered...“Then maybe I'm the problem.”
I'm ambitious. I can work. And I can do a lot of things, but I realized at some point I've been given the skillset to do the job, but I haven't been taught how to live.
I haven't been taught how to be happy. I haven't been taught how to connect with other people. Haven't been taught how to move towards my dreams. I haven't been taught how to focus on the goals that matter to me. I haven't been taught any of that stuff.
In my search to end my pain and frustration with myself and my situation I found the High Performance Institute. High Performance Institute is the world's leading training center on the subject of human high performance. With science based studies from over 30,000 ceos, professionals and athletes in over 195 countries, six clear practices were unearthed and studied.
This was so life changing for me I changed my career and became a certified coach from the High Performance Institute six years ago.
In this free coaching session you will experience one of the most profound Vision Building exercises I coach my clients though and we discuss the 6 High Performance Practices.
“Everything that I’ve been able to accomplish over the last year has really come by way of coaching with Fasial.”
- Julie Holly
Three Keys Investments & Ask Me How I Know Podcast
“In order to have a complete and abundant life there is all different aspects of it. It’s all emcompassing. It’s amazing actually. I totally recommend going through this just for yourself. Everyone has their goals, their long term goals, short term goals but this just puts everything together.”
- Greg
“I felt like my mind was in one place and I it wanted to be in another and I didn’t know how to get there. I attended one of Faisal’s sessions and it just clicked.
If you feel as if your thoughts and everything that is going on is like a tornado I promise everything falls into place. I promise that he will open up your mind. We have it in us we just need somebody to help us turn that switch on or open that door and I promise that he can do that for you. “
- Suzy Sevier
Adventurous Real Estate Investor & Podcast Host
If you're skeptical about signing up for another online training or webinar, I get it and have something different to offer.
This is a live coaching session and exercise I offer each month to help you get past your blocks and conditioning and reframe your life and goals to what truly matters.
There will be real humans there too. Professionals, investors and influencers. Others who are working at and have achieved high standing in their careers and endeavors. But just like you are also still struggling with what’s next.
“This is something I know I needed but I didn’t know where to find it. I found Faisal and I am so glad I did. I can see the end and Faisal helped me with this. And I can see it happening now."
- Roxanne
Many of my clients are also well read and educated and we all have access to the world of information at our fingertips. So why do we still struggle with daily practice and our performance?
I’ll explain this in the training.
Whatโs included in the free webinar session?
What happens if I miss it? Is there a replay?
How long is the coaching session?
What is the exercise or the training?
I am already a productive and have lots of systems, what will I gain from this?
What is a CHPC (Certified High Performance Coach) from the High Performance Institute?
(not just what you need to achieve)
This is a safe space to share and learn with other professional and growing individuals just like you. Nothing is shared outside of this Zoom meeting. We are all here to accept each other and ourselves where we are now, without judgements or criticism.
You’re not alone. We’ll walk through and learn it together. You will grow. You will experience a feeling of expanded potential and possibility. You may also be faced with some truths you can’t see blocking you.
Join us for 2 hours Thursday, August 12th
for a life-shifting and goal-clarifying exercise.
Be deeply connected & clear to who you are and what you really want. Register now!
Because this is a live small group coaching exercise and session there are very limited spots available to make sure everyone gets the time they need.
This is a safe space to share and learn with other professional and growing individuals just like you. Nothing is shared outside of this zoom meeting and we are all here to accept each other and ourselves where we are now. No judgements or criticisms.
You’re not alone and we will walk through and learn it together. I look forward to seeing you there!