What is stopping you from Advancing

Jul 11, 2023


In this blog post, we will explore the topic of what stops individuals from advancing in their personal and professional lives. Drawing inspiration from a podcast episode, we will delve into the factors that hinder progress and offer insights on how to overcome these challenges. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth.


Setting the Stage:

The author begins by sharing a personal anecdote about a recent cruise vacation. During this time away from work, they experimented with disconnecting from their businesses and focusing on being present with their family. Reflecting on past vacations, they realized they had often failed to fully engage and connect with one another. This realization leads to an important question: What is the underlying cause that prevents us from advancing in various aspects of life?


Internal and External Challenges:

The author highlights the tendency to focus solely on external factors such as finances, schedules, and environments when seeking improvement. While these aspects are important, they only represent one part of the equation. The other half, often overlooked, involves internal challenges. These internal obstacles can manifest as insecurities, limiting beliefs, fears, and unresolved emotional issues. Acknowledging and addressing these internal barriers is crucial for personal growth and advancement.


Gaining Clarity:

The author emphasizes the significance of gaining clarity in different areas of life. This process involves deep introspection and reflection on personal values, life purpose, and desired contributions. It also entails ensuring alignment with partners, business associates, and loved ones. Lack of clarity can lead to misunderstandings, disconnection, and a feeling of being unsupported. By actively working on clarity, individuals can strengthen their relationships and enhance their overall experience of life.


Understanding Fear and Beliefs:

Fear plays a significant role in hindering progress, and it often manifests in unexpected ways. It can show up as stress, overwhelm, frustration, or other negative emotions. By recognizing and acknowledging these emotions as fear in disguise, individuals can confront and address them directly. Additionally, the author highlights the influence of beliefs shaped by personal narratives and societal conditioning. Understanding one's own story, history, and past decisions can reveal deep-rooted beliefs that may be holding individuals back from reaching their full potential.


Embracing Discipline and Resilience:

Discipline is not solely about external routines and structures but also encompasses one's thoughts and emotions. It involves cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-compassion, and consciously choosing positive thoughts and emotions. Developing mental resilience is crucial for navigating life's challenges and maintaining a positive mindset. Resilience allows individuals to accept that life will present ups and downs and empowers them to adapt and overcome obstacles along their journey.



Advancement in life requires addressing both internal and external factors. By gaining clarity, understanding fear and beliefs, embracing discipline, and fostering resilience, individuals can break free from the barriers that impede their progress. This blog post serves as a reminder to reflect on one's own life, assess areas that need improvement, and take actionable steps toward personal growth and advancement.

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