Enjoy These Free Training Segments
from Faisal Ensaun

Creating Peace, Freedom & Possibilities from Within
Align with Your Highest Self: Key Insights and Action Steps #selfmastery alignment coach for men happiness high performance coach highest self life coach live your best life relationships self discovery self growth trauma informed coaching Sep 26, 2024

Hey everyone, it’s Faisal Ensaun here. I’m excited to share some thoughts on a topic that I believe is fundamental to living a truly fulfilling life—aligning with your highest self. I’ve spent over a decade coaching individuals to achieve high performance in their personal...

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"Can I Move Forward Without Healing My Past?" healing trauma healing your past high-performance coach life coach trauma informed coaching Aug 01, 2024

Hello, amazing investors. It's a beautiful day here. I was on my walk this morning, and I couldn’t stop thinking about a question one of my viewers posed. She asked, “Does history really repeat itself?” I had mentioned in one of my videos that unhealed history, or unhealed past,...

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Recalibrating Your Mind acceptance business clarity faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach potential vision Oct 26, 2022

I had the pleasure of being on the Conscious Investor Podcast with my good friend and colleague Julie Holly.  We created this video for you to recognize the importance of recalibrating your mind during trying times.  With so much of the world driving fear into us, it can be hard to see...

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Developing Confidence business clarity confidence faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach mindset vision Sep 05, 2022

What does confidence mean to you? Is it your appearance? Is it how you present yourself? Is it how you perform in daily life? This video will help break down the three types of confidence: Skill, Roll, and Self. 


To help you build better confidence, you must first have a better...

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Interfering vs Supporting in Relationships clarity faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach vision Aug 23, 2022


Interfering vs Supporting in Relationships 


Here is a video I made for you to help you understand the importance of supporting a relationship vs interfering in a relationship.  Are you a caretaker or a caregiver?  This is a common strain within many types of...

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