Upholding the Pillars of Integrity

Jul 25, 2023

Integrity, a word that carries different meanings for different people, is at the core of our character and actions. Faisal Ensaun, a successful entrepreneur and coach, shares his journey of self-discovery and growth in maintaining integrity in both his personal and professional life.

Faisal's diverse business ventures involve supporting clients from various backgrounds, including business owners, investors, salespeople, CEOs, athletes, and even stay-at-home moms. Alongside his coaching business, he has also embarked on a mission to support fellow coaches in building their skills and businesses.

However, despite his accomplishments, Faisal had a moment of realization a couple of years ago. He noticed that while he had achieved a level of comfort and success in his coaching business, he wasn't pushing himself to the extent that he was challenging the new coaches he was mentoring. This internal misalignment left him questioning his integrity and prompted him to seek personal growth.

Faisal embarked on a journey to push himself beyond his comfort zone, exploring new avenues like public speaking, writing a book, and delving into unfamiliar aspects of coaching. This transformation not only deepened his connection with his clients but also brought a profound sense of alignment with his higher self.

Integrity, he emphasizes, is not just about honesty with others, but also about being honest with oneself. It involves recognizing areas in our lives where we may be avoiding uncomfortable truths, either out of fear or distraction. Often, we project our unaddressed emotions onto external causes or endeavors without fully understanding our underlying motivations.

Faisal warns against the danger of pursuing noble causes without first understanding our true intentions. If our actions stem from unresolved emotions or a need to prove something to ourselves or others, the good we think we're doing may inadvertently cause harm.

The key to maintaining integrity lies in aligning our actions with the person we are growing into. Goals and aspirations are essential, but they serve as guides to lead us to become the kind of person who can achieve those goals and more.

Faisal encourages us to take an introspective journey, asking ourselves where we may be deceiving ourselves or where we need to be more honest. This process can be challenging, as it requires facing uncomfortable truths and taking responsibility for our growth. However, it is essential for attaining true alignment and peace within ourselves.

In conclusion, upholding the pillars of integrity means embracing authenticity and growth. It is about aligning our actions with our higher selves and having the courage to face our inner truths. Integrity begins with honesty within ourselves, which naturally extends to our interactions with others and the contributions we make to the world. By nurturing integrity, we can lead fulfilling lives and create a positive impact on the lives of others around us.

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