Productive vs Busy

Jun 27, 2023

In today's discussion, we will explore the important distinction between productive work and busy work and its impact on achieving external and internal success. I'll share my personal journey of realizing the fallacy of equating busyness with productivity, and I've come to realize that many professionals and business owners struggle with this as well.

Reevaluating Productivity:
Previously, I mistakenly associated productivity with simply keeping myself busy and constantly engaging in tasks. However, I soon discovered that this belief was far from true. Through conversations with other professionals, it became evident that this misconception is prevalent not only in the corporate world but also among entrepreneurs. For instance, while working with business owners, especially coaches, I noticed that the majority of their daily activities did not contribute to building their businesses or addressing their personal needs.

Distinguishing Productive Work:
To gain a deeper understanding of productivity, it is crucial to categorize it into three key areas: personal growth, relationships, and business contributions. Productivity extends beyond work-related tasks and encompasses various aspects of our lives. By focusing on these three areas, we can redefine what productive work truly means.

1. Personal Growth:
Productive work in personal growth involves activities that foster mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It encompasses building emotional resilience, mental toughness, physical stamina, and spiritual wisdom. Any activity that contributes to growth in these areas can be considered productive.

2. Relationships:
Since we interact with people in various capacities, investing time in building and nurturing relationships becomes crucial. Whether it's with family, colleagues, clients, or acquaintances, dedicating time to understanding and connecting with others is a productive endeavor. Developing effective relationship-building skills is vital for both personal and professional success.

3. Business Contributions:
For business owners, this category focuses on adding value to the world through your work, whether it involves your team, community, family, or society at large. The specific contributions may vary depending on your endeavors, but the key is engaging in activities that generate a positive impact and align with your goals.

Assessing Your Productivity:
To gain clarity on your productivity, it is crucial to review your daily schedule. Consider implementing a calendar or visual system that allows you to assess and track your activities throughout the week. This approach enables you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions rather than relying solely on subjective feelings of productivity.

My Productive Day:
Let me share an example of a productive day in my life. I wake up at 6 AM and begin by expressing gratitude and reviewing my calendar. Instead of diving into emails, I focus on understanding the day ahead and what needs my attention. I prioritize self-care, engaging in activities like meditation and physical movement.

By 8:30 AM, I have completed my planning for the day and attended a sales call. I collaborate with my team and co-facilitate a masterclass. I then participate in a podcast interview that aligns with my coaching business, further strengthening my sales process. Each activity contributes to my long-term goals.

By the end of the day, around 5 PM, I take time to reflect on what went well and what I can improve. I spend quality time with my family, ensuring a healthy work-life balance. This productive day encompasses personal growth, building relationships, and advancing my business objectives.

The Importance of Tracking:
Tracking your activities provides valuable data and allows you to make sense of your efforts. It helps you understand how certain actions contribute to your overall goals and provides a basis for evaluation and improvement. Implementing a tracking system, whether physical or digital, empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your productivity.

Distinguishing between productive work and busy work is crucial for achieving success in both personal and professional domains. By reevaluating our

understanding of productivity and focusing on personal growth, relationships, and business contributions, we can align our actions with our long-term goals. Embracing effectiveness, consistency, and courage will empower us to take meaningful steps forward, ultimately leading to fulfillment and accomplishment in our endeavors.

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