Why You Are Not as Productive as You Think You Can Be

Feb 15, 2024

Why You Are Not as Productive as You Think You Can Be


Hello, my amazing multifamily investor slash entrepreneur.

I have a really good question for you. Why do you think you're not as effective or productive as you think you can be?


Many investors and entrepreneurs often believe that better tools and systems will automatically enhance their productivity. While there is nothing wrong with utilizing tools like calendars, task lists, or checklists, there are deeper aspects to consider.

Multifamily investors often struggle with their capacity to juggle various responsibilities. Balancing business-building, W2 jobs, family, and other investments can leave little room for improving productivity. The key is not to cram more tasks into your schedule but rather to identify what truly matters and focus on those areas.

One of the challenges multifamily investors face is the abundance of opportunities. They jump into the investment path, seeking a life of freedom and purpose. However, the multitude of avenues often leads to indecision and distraction. Deep work becomes challenging when overwhelmed by new opportunities and personal emotions.


The journey of a multifamily investor can sometimes lead to analysis paralysis. The fear of making the wrong decision or the endless stream of options can leave investors feeling stuck. Decision fatigue sets in, hindering progress and preventing forward movement.


In conclusion, productivity is not solely about finding the magic tool or system. It requires a deeper understanding of your motivations, long-term vision, and the ability to eliminate non-essential tasks. By focusing on what truly matters and aligning your actions with your goals, you can unlock your full productivity potential.


Remember, it is possible to achieve 10x success, not only in your professional life but also in terms of fulfillment, relationships, and the quality of your life and business. 


Hello, my amazing multifamily investor slash entrepreneur. Um, if you're listening to this, uh, I have a really good question for you. Why do you think you're not as effective or productive as you think you can be? As you want to be and a lot of times , when I'm talking to, , investors or entrepreneurs, they're, they're talking about, well, I need better tools.

[00:00:31] I need to block time. I need to make sure I build my calendar, or I need to find the best tracking sheet for my task list, or I need to. Write down my, my checklist or I need to make sure I have a morning routine. All good things. Not nothing wrong with any of those systems, but there are crucial things that you're missing in this in this space.

[00:00:52] And I want to talk about 44 areas that you can think about. That that you're struggling with, and you need to think in a different way for you to move forward in a positive direction around this. So everybody's talking about productivity these days, and a lot of people when they talk about it, they talk in terms of systems like, let me give you the best tools for product to be.

[00:01:12] Let me give you this AI system for productivity. Let me give you a better checklist system or better block time system or better way for you to track your stuff. Okay, great. All great things. Like I said. But you hear that over and over and you might even end up using block times and other things. And before you know it, after two weeks through three weeks, you just drop it.

[00:01:31] It didn't work. And this might be you. And there's a reason why that's not working. It's not what you think. It's not because, oh, there's something wrong with your discipline or something like that. And then you end up going back to a training motivational video. That saying is like, you are not disciplined enough.

[00:01:48] You don't have enough integrity or something like that. Not that, , 

[00:01:52] by the way, discipline is very overrated. Most people who say that they're disciplined, they actually enjoy what they do. So, uh, very few people [00:02:00] that I've genuinely met who are like disciplined with everything. They tend to be usually disciplined with, let's say, their workouts because they enjoy it or their work because they enjoy it.

[00:02:10] I'm disciplined in what I do because I love my life. I love all the things that I do, which has a clue in it for you. But we'll talk about that deeper tomorrow. I'm doing a live group coaching session at 9 a. m. Eastern. Make sure you join me there. We're going to be covering some of these things in much more detail.

[00:02:25] , and so many other areas that you haven't thought about it when it comes to productivity. So a lot of multifamily investors also struggle and I have my notes in here. , the second piece I wanted to cover is that they're at max capacity. They're running so many different things. , they're trying to build their business or getting it to scale.

[00:02:43] They might even have their W two job. They have their family. They have all sorts of other investments going around. They're trying to figure out how to take care of themselves. And they are like up to here, they're at max capacity to be able to add anything. And then you're. They want to double their productivity or three times.

[00:03:00] They want to get more done They're like, I don't know where to fit it in There's so much in there But the key there is not to fit more in The key there is actually to what what you need to remove and what you need to focus on And that happens when you actually go through a thinking process around this It's not going to randomly happen and it's hard for me to even train on that because I need to walk you Through a process for you to figure that out yourself.

[00:03:24] And that's why I'm doing a live coaching session for that tomorrow. Another area. The 3rd area that I wrote down is focus and distraction. So. And this is the challenge with multifamily investors. They jumped in. They're like, I'm getting, I'm ready to create this life of freedom, this life of purpose, fulfillment, and they jump in.

[00:03:42] There's so many avenues they can go in and they can't make up their decision. And before they know it, when they need to do the hard work and they need to do deep work, now they're distracted by all sorts of new opportunities that are coming up. And on top of that, they're also distracted by their own emotions, but their own like [00:04:00] lack of capacity.

[00:04:00] They're also distracted by their environment. They're distracted by so many things, so they can't get themselves to focus. And then they, they're like, well, there must be something wrong with me. I might have ADD or ADHD. People self diagnose a lot and then usually when I ask my clients, like, have you been actually diagnosed with this?

[00:04:17] It's like, no, I, I really think I have a D. D. or a D. H. D. because I can't focus to save my life. Guess what? That's not the problem. There's a problem in your long term thinking process. Most successful people think in decades versus in weeks or months or days. And if, if you have not built out your vision and your long term process, and if you haven't thought about which direction, if it's not clear for you, what would make you feel more purposeful fulfilled what goes towards your an ideal version of yourself, then you can, you can try to force yourself to focus and you have willpower to do that.

[00:04:53] But it's not sustainable. It needs to be something that's really meaningful to you. It matters a lot. So it also connects with your wife. very much. That's why you're distracted and that's why you cannot focus because you're doing a bunch of stuff. That's that that one. It's not solidified to your being distracted by all these other things because you're on the surface.

[00:05:11] But once you go deeper, you realize that most things don't matter. You need to work towards that vision, that ideal version of yourself, your life and what you're trying to create. And the last one just today. I met with person that wanted to work with me and I'm and I was hearing a lot and he's very courageous.

[00:05:29] He jumped into the multifamily path and, uh, After six months of being in this path, now he's kind of floating around and we were laughing a little bit about it because that's Tony Robbins might say that he's in kind of a no man's land at this point, because it's like, which direction should I go to? Now he's distracted by all these opportunities.

[00:05:49] And on top of that, he's very unfulfilled and kind of disconnected from the purpose. And so what that's creating is what you hear a lot multifamily investors and entrepreneurs talk about is like, well, I have an [00:06:00] analysis paralysis with the bigger life decisions. or with the like the deal that they're going through or the business or the specific opportunities that they're going through.

[00:06:10] Like, I don't know which direction to go. So they end up not doing anything. Another way of putting this is that they have a lot of decision fatigue. So when you get decision fatigue, you don't go anywhere. Your mind cannot make decisions because there are too many thoughts going around. So if you don't know how to think through that, you'll be stuck.

[00:06:28] So if you want to work through these four areas and more, Join me tomorrow on the productivity webinar, even if you cannot make it to register so I can send you at least a recording for it. I highly encourage you to join it live. It's going to be a very interactive session. It won't just be me talking and training.

[00:06:44] You're going to be working through this in a process that will help you understand your life, your focus, your long term. Uh, path and you will help you understand what are areas you need to pay attention to. What are areas that you need to discard? What are areas that you need to work through to be 10 times more productive?

[00:07:02] Yes, it is possible to be 10 X more productive to create 10 times more success, not just in terms of your professional life, but success in terms of your fulfillment, your awareness, your relationships, the quality of your life and the quality of your business and working, of course, financials as well and investments.

[00:07:22] So I'm excited to see you there. I've put the link below last chance for you to join me there Uh at 9 a. m eastern on This is february 8th. And if you're hearing this afterwards, are you watching this somewhere? Register anyway, because I will send you more training and i'm likely going to be doing this in the future sometime or another version Of this that's going to help you a lot excited to see you there.

[00:07:46] Uh until my next video Hope you have an incredible day 

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