Hidden Productivity Secrets
Feb 01, 2024Today, I want to share with you some powerful insights about productivity. When we think about being productive, we often focus on time management and adopting the right tools and processes. However, I want to shed light on four critical areas that are often overlooked but hold the key to true productivity. Let's dive in!
Vision: The Fuel that Drives Me
Starting with goals alone is not enough. Instead, it all begins with having a clear vision that aligns with your deepest desires. I don't want to just chase someone else's goals or achievements. Your vision allows you to connect deeply with what truly matters to you. When you envision a life that is meaningful and purposeful, you are motivated to take consistent action and overcome any obstacles that come your way.
Emotions: Harnessing the Power Within
As I've embraced the fact that we are emotional beings, I've discovered the tremendous impact that our emotions have on our productivity. We often make decisions based on our emotions, not just logic. Our emotions drive our choices and shape our perceptions of success. Managing our emotions becomes crucial in staying focused and maintaining a proactive mindset. It's about leveraging our emotions rather than letting them control us.
Relationships: The Impact on Productivity
Your relationships play a significant role in your overall productivity. Our social connections define our roles and how we navigate the world. One crucial aspect is learning to say "no" when necessary. Pleasing everyone and constantly saying "yes" can drain our energy and leave us juggling endless obligations. By setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing our commitments, we can create space for what truly matters and move closer to our goals.
Energy Management: Designing a Productive Day
Time management alone is insufficient for maximizing productivity. Understanding our energy levels and planning our day accordingly is a game-changer. We have a limited amount of mental and emotional energy, which tends to dissipate throughout the day. By prioritizing tasks that require the most focus and decision-making power during our peak energy periods, we set ourselves up for success. Designing our days and weeks based on energy flow allows us to maintain productivity without feeling drained.
Conclusion: Unlocking Your Hidden Potential
By addressing these four essential areas of productivity—vision, emotions, relationships, and energy management—you can unlock your hidden potential. Remember, busyness does not equate to true productivity. It's about aligning our actions with your values and creating a life that truly matters to you. Embrace these productivity secrets, and you'll witness a positive transformation in both your personal and professional life.
I'm excited to embark on this journey with you. Join me for a productivity webinar on February 8th, where we'll explore these concepts in even greater depth. By attending, you'll receive a one-page productivity training and a worksheet that will revolutionize how you plan your days and weeks. Register now and invite your fellow investors to join us for this transformative experience.
Until we connect again, I wish you an incredible day filled with purpose and productivity.
Hello, amazing investors. I wanted to , jump on quickly and talk about four points that you don't think about when it comes to your productivity. Most of the time when people are thinking about their productivity, they're thinking about, Oh, where am I spending my time? Do I have the right block times?
[00:00:21] Am I focused on the right things? Good questions to ask. And they're thinking about tools and processes. Like, how can I get the right system? How can I make sure that I'm not distracted by different things? Good questions to ask. But the problem is that If you haven't done your thinking, if you're not aware of these four areas, you could ask those questions.
[00:00:42] You'll be very busy, but you won't be productive. And this is one of the biggest myths in the modern time is that we equate busyness with productivity, and it's not the same thing. In fact, the more busy you find yourself, the more you need to question why you're busy.
[00:00:59] Because Everybody's busy. Everybody's working hard, apparently but busyness does not equate to you moving your life in a positive direction, improving the quality of your life or , moving your business in the right direction or improving the quality of your business right now. So let's get into it.
[00:01:18] And you want to stick around for the fourth point because that's probably the most important one . So the first one is vision. I talked about this a lot is most people start with the goals and the goals they pick up by kind of emulating somebody else in their environment.
[00:01:31] They're like, Oh, this real estate investor has this goal and I should have the same goal. I want a thousand units. Good for them. That doesn't do anything for you. And here's why. Your vision connects to your why. Your vision, when you see something that's important to you, when you feel it, when you connect with them, you know why that's important to you.
[00:01:50] That is a personal thing that drives you, that becomes your purpose, that gets you started and sustains that path over the long term. If [00:02:00] you don't know your vision long term, five years out, 10 years out, you'll be struggling. If you just have a goal of, I need to make 10 million, that's not a vision. A vision is when you're thinking about a life that matters to you.
[00:02:12] You know what? I want to be free. I don't have to work with for somebody else. I want to spend 30 hours a week working or 40 hours a week working on whatever that this thing that interests me. I want to go travel. I want to meet people and I want to spend time with my family. And how do you want to spend time with your family?
[00:02:29] I want to be connected. I want them to feel. Like I'm there for them. I want them to feel like we're engaged as a family. We're doing other things. We're volunteering. We're spending time together. We're traveling. We're doing all sorts of things. And I want to be engaged in my community. I'm doing lots of things with my community.
[00:02:45] What are those things? And why are those things important to you? And going into the why of each of these things and really picturing it, seeing it, feeling why it's important to you. makes a huge difference. And then the next level to that becomes your goals and strategizing. Okay, here are the things I need to do to build that vision.
[00:03:03] If you don't have that vision, you don't know how to come up with it. You're going to struggle because almost everything they're going to start, it's going to be difficult. It's going to feel exciting in the beginning. And then about a few weeks later, a few months later, it's going to feel tough and obstacles will start coming in.
[00:03:18] And then guess what you're going to do. You're gonna switch course. You're gonna go towards the next shiny object. And a lot of investors will say the shiny penny syndrome. Well, what that is, is because you're not clear about your long term vision. You don't know why it's important to you. So make sure you clarify your vision.
[00:03:33] If you don't know how to do that, just make sure Show up to the productivity webinar that I'm doing next week on February 8th. It's going to help you a lot to think through that. And I have a really cool offer around that too. That's going to help you boil down every aspect of what I'm talking about.
[00:03:49] The next one is emotions. You might think, well, what do emotions have to do with being productive? Well, Now, human beings are emotionally driven. If you haven't figured that out yet, then you're sleeping under [00:04:00] a rock. Here's why. , let's take some of the most one of the most important practical skills or feel that you can think of.
[00:04:07] Think of sales. Now, salespeople, if you've gone any good at sales, or you've been in the sales industry, or you've been in business, you know, this, that most people make decisions Based on emotions, they do not make decisions based on logic. They use logic. They use rationality to justify a lot of times that decisions they want to make what feels aligned with them.
[00:04:28] That's not necessarily a negative thing. It just is that people make decisions based on what feels. good to them and what, what feels aligned with their path, what feels like this is going to solve their problem. They also make decisions based on whether or not they trust this person. So you're more likely to go buy a product or a service because your friend recommended it, whether that product is great or not for you.
[00:04:51] If a friend that you trust. If somebody that you really trust tells you, Hey, go talk to this person or go buy this product, you'll probably bypass a lot of your defense, like, like due diligence stuff and go end up buying that product. A lot of people buy like that. Why? Because they're driven by their emotions.
[00:05:09] And the other thing with productivity and that's just an example, but in our day to day life were driven a lot by emotions. So as an example, if you've gone through a difficult situation and you're, you're going through a difficult situation in your marriage, you had an argument with your wife or your husband.
[00:05:25] Guess what happens on the, if the argument was intense enough, you're going to have a hard time focusing. Why? Because those emotions, that energy in your body is moving through and you don't know what to do with that. You can't focus. By the way, we all go through those periods. So how you manage those emotions makes a big difference whether or not you'll be effective or not.
[00:05:46] The other thing about emotions is a lot of times is also , derives current behavior based on past past triggers. So most of the time when people react to current situations that are not related to current situations, it's based on some past [00:06:00] thing that they haven't resolved a lot of times when people are triggered by different situations.
[00:06:04] Why? Because it's related to the past. So if you haven't worked out some of those things, if you keep getting triggered over people, situations, all sorts of things, then that's an emotional trigger. You haven't worked out what's happening. So I'm not saying go back in the past and dig out everything. But you need to know why your body is reacting like that.
[00:06:23] You need to have tools and processes for you to work through that. And that's an important piece of it. So that means, can you be, are you grounded enough for you to be productive? Are you, are your emotions driving you or you're in control of your emotions? Are you leveraging it or your emotions are just controlling your reactiveness?
[00:06:42] So ultimately what we want is not to be reactive. We want to be proactive. We want to manage process and think rather than just be reactive to certain circumstances. There's a lot more in there, but Ask yourself, Am I driven by reactiveness in my day to day life? Do I react to people, my own past triggers, situations, things that are outside of my control?
[00:07:06] Or am I proactive and intentional and grounded? That makes a big difference. If you're reactive, you're not going to be very effective. If you're intentional, you're grounded, you're going to think you're going to look at the long term picture, bigger picture. You're going to look at the details as well.
[00:07:20] You're going to connect with people rather than being defensive and makes you much more effective and productive. The third one relationships and here's the specific it generally relationships have an effect on us just like I said in the emotions we have an argument or a challenge with your business partner or life partner or somebody in your life and you don't know how to work that out.
[00:07:40] That affects your ability to focus and maintain that because emotions take energy. Now, human beings are a social species, everything we do is around our social identity. Think about your roles. Think about your role as a father, as a mother, as a son, as a daughter, as a as a business owner, as a citizen.
[00:07:59] They're [00:08:00] all social roles. The way you make sense of the world is through your relationships. And one specific, just one of the examples I want to give around relationships that really impairs productivity is your lack of ability to say no. We say yes to please. Others has nothing to do. And this is why your relationships can cost you a lot if you don't have the right relationships in your life and you don't have the right boundaries.
[00:08:24] And you're constantly saying yes to everything. And you're not able to say no. There's somebody that put it in a really good way. I was listening to a club is like, you know what? The most important vitamin is the right thing to do. Most important vitamin is the, is vitamin N. And it was on a podcast and the host asked like, what do you mean vitamin N?
[00:08:43] What's vitamin N? He's like, vitamin N is no saying no to people get in the season of saying a lot of no. That actually requires you to have a vision, plan out your life and have a structure in your life. So when people call you, hey, can you do this? Can you do that? Can you do the other? No, well, I actually have my plan or don't even pick up and you're going to let them know again afterwards that I'm busy with certain things.
[00:09:08] Now, of course, that doesn't mean you say no to the things that matter to your family and the important things that you need to do, even though there are boundaries. But the things that move your life and business forward and the other way around. So you can say no to business stuff to have quality time with your family.
[00:09:26] So a lot of people don't have the quality of life and progress in their business because they say yes to too many things and they're not moving forward in the right direction or effectively because they're trying to juggle all the things that they said yes to just based on guilt, obligation, those kind of things.
[00:09:43] So in your relationships, ask yourself, are you constantly saying yes? Are you always trying to please people? Or you have the ability to say no. And I don't mean to just say that you need to use willpower to say no to everybody. That's part of it. But willpower is a, is limited energy. I need you to build a [00:10:00] strategy.
[00:10:00] And if you don't know how to do that, show up to the productivity webinar. We're going to be talking about that in depth. You need to build a strategy, not just leverage, not just use willpower. Willpower is limited. You should only be using that in certain times, not all the time. People exhaust that energy very fast.
[00:10:17] The last one, the most important one, people make the mistake or we all make the mistake of organizing our time based on time. We forget energy. Your energy tends to dissipate throughout the day. You get tired or as you go through the day, your decision making ability lowers. Why? Because it requires mental and emotional energy to do that.
[00:10:39] It requires mental bandwidth to think. So in the first part of your day, you probably have the most energy to make the best decisions to move the best projects forward. So spend those First few hours thinking about the things that you need to move forward and actually do the things that are difficult to do.
[00:10:55] And then the middle of the day might be with intermediate stuff. And then the end of the day are the mindless things that you know how to do , , with your eyes closed. So. Plan your day and your week based on your energy. Same thing goes with your week by the end of the week.
[00:11:10] If you're really pushing yourself, you will get tired. You will, you will not be able to focus on a lot of the things. Now, of course, you can set up habits and systems that sustains that energy a little bit, but that's what ends up happening. By the end of the day, you're going to naturally get tired. So you don't want to keep high things like things that require a lot of mental energy, emotional energy, decision making power towards the end of the day.
[00:11:34] You want to keep that to the beginning of the day. So design your day for energy. Same thing for your week. Design things that you need to take care of in the beginning of the week. My Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be very busy. And Wednesday up until the middle of the week, I tend to be very like powering through there's a lot of things that I'm doing.
[00:11:53] They're heavy lifting things by the middle of Wednesday. It slows down a little bit in the sense [00:12:00] that I'm not doing as heavy lifting as I was doing on Monday, Tuesday up until middle of Wednesday. And then by Thursday, Friday, which means that Thursday actually get off work early and Friday.
[00:12:09] I also get off work even earlier by 3 p. m. I'm done on Fridays because I've just exhausted and I need I need to renew my energy and go spend time with my family, do other things. But understand that you, you have a limited amount of energy every day that you need to rest and replenish that energy.
[00:12:30] And same thing by the end of the week, you need at least one day to yourself, not focusing on work. Stop trying to work eight days a week. It doesn't work. It will make you less productive have and also have some variety in your life. Spend time with family, friends, do other things, not just be focused on work one.
[00:12:48] That's why we say variety is the spice of life. It makes your life more interesting. It makes you less neurotic. You get out of your normal world. You become more creative when you do other things. And you need a break as a human being, get your sleep, get your rest, set up your week based on your energy, not just time.
[00:13:07] I hope these four areas are helpful. Make sure you register for the webinar. That's next week on February 8th. As soon as you register, you actually get a training with one page productivity that will. Help you become more productive. It will help you plan out your day and week much more effectively.
[00:13:22] It's a 20 minute training with a worksheet and you get the webinar for free. It's completely free to register. Please invite your investor friends. I'm so excited to see you on February 8th. You're going to be blown away because it's so different than whatever you've done around productivity. Until my next conversation with you.
[00:13:38] Hope you have an incredible day. Bye.
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