Activating Purpose in Life and Business

Jan 24, 2023

Faisal: So excited to do this series, and it's gonna be around freedom, but we're gonna bring our first topic today is gonna be on purpose and one of the cornerstones. How do human beings think in general? How do human beings ideally think? And one of the things that you learn, at least I've learned over the course of the past decade and a half, is that if there is no sense of purpose, there's very little direction.

There's no structure in your life, there's no direction and no aspiration toward anything. Those things are in not in place. You can, I can give you all sorts of tools, like the most amazing tools you can think of, like productivity block times or Pomodoro methods, or I'll give you all sorts of mindset things to think about.

But if you are not clear about what gives you purpose, what is your sense of purpose, and how do you look at purpose? And it'll be different for different people. We'll go in into it. If you're not doing that, then there's no direction for you. Even the vision or even the goals that you come up with will be sort of pointless and what will end up happening is that you will try to work through your goals and you do some block times and stuff, but you don't feel pulled towards it.

There is no conviction. There is no heart in it, there is no pulling, and it doesn't connect to who you are. It's just one of those things you feel like you should be doing in order to be productive or a contributing member of the world, or to meet some kind of expectation that's been subconsciously set for you.

I'll start it with that view and we'll go into it also, so we'll talk a little bit about the overall purpose. What does that mean? How can you start to think about what purpose is for you then we'll go into the purpose of your business. Because if your business is disconnected from your overall purpose, I bet you you're gonna struggle in all sorts of ways.

You might even build a successful business in terms of the cash flow or the systems that you have. But it will be meaningless to you, and you will wanna just get rid of it, and you'll be miserable going through it, and it's gonna hurt a lot of other parts of your life. And so I'll get invite Kelly on this.

Both Kelly and I are gonna kind of work through this together with you. We're gonna share some of the experiences that's, that we've had in this and the people that we've served in this area to help them develop a more conscious purpose for their life. For them to create a better vision for their life, for them to go towards their goals and a conscious, strategic way so they can build the life and business that's ideal for them, their family, their community, and their path forward.

Kelly, why don't you get us started on this?

Kelly: I love it. Amazing, fantastic intro. We want to thank you for being part of the community and part of this first of three series coming up. So what I kind of think of as purpose, I love making things feel easier and simple, and to me that means alignment. To me, that means that there is. Necessarily differentiation, of who I am and how I'm showing up in the world. And to me, this is like next-level thinking, to be honest to me, because I would say even as an individual, I didn't find my true calling or things that happened in my life, but I would say it was like 38 on teetering on 39 when I had a big shift in my life and that's when I felt like I really began to think about purpose. Like I would say the first two decades, the first decade and a half, I was grinding. I was chasing money. More so than thinking about my purpose and legacy and longevity, sustainability, and all the other things. I didn't really think that way.

How about you? I'm curious when your clients are coming, To you for support?  is there an age that you see that this comes up, or do you think age isn't a part of it and it's just that everyone is activated or goes through something that triggers their purpose at another time in their life?

Faisal: Generally speaking, I would say so most of my clients, I think they discover a lot of this stuff at around mid-thirties to forties, to even closer to fifties where they're starting to think about a lot of these things.

And for me it was I would say mid-thirties when I started to think in the sense I was starting to, trying to make sense of my own path and what matters to me. But then when I started thinking about purpose and vision and what's the direction for my life, it was more around mid-thirties.

I think I was 35 ish, somewhere around there or, or 34 ish. And I think generally speaking, this is the age where people are starting to get a certain amount of experience in their lives. They're starting to see through some of the bullshit. 

Kelly: Yeah 

Faisal: to put it mildly they're starting to see through some of the bullshit that they've been following, and what ends up happening is you're like, okay, I'll put it in the words of Alan Watts.

It's like you're taught to kind of go through life, build this, this life, okay? Go to school, get a job, and buy a house, get a family. And you go through the period and incidentally, most of my clients have done all of that, right? So they get to a point, they have a successful career, and they have their family.

They either have kids or their kids are coming up in the future. Some of them have, their kids are grown up now, and they look back on the words of Allen Watts with a certain sense of feeling cheated


Kelly: Ooh. Ooh, okay.

Faisal: It's like why didn't I follow it in this specific direction? And what was I hoping to gain out of it?

Yeah. And the hope was that the people that were telling us knew what they were talking about. And then from my perspective, like often I've gone back to the people who would tell me these things when I was younger, when I was in high school or before that it's like, so. What now?

Okay, I'm here. You're much older. What is, and when I'm watching their life, when they're in their seventies, sixties, eighties, those were the people who told me this. I was like, they're lost. Mm-hmm. , they're lost full of regrets, full of disconnect from their life. And when you asked them, where did you get this from?

They have no idea. Where it came from. They just picked it up just like I picked it up, just like everybody else picked it up. So it was automatic, and this is how human beings learn. This is how human beings do things, is by modeling other people around us, our parents, our teachers, and our peers. And then if you come to a point where you are conscious by the way, in my experience, I haven't seen everybody be conscious.

I used to think that people get to a point where they become conscious, but there are people who go through it their whole life. They, just react to life for the most part. But if you get to a point where now you're in a, at a point in your life where you've seen death in the family, or you've gone through a difficult change in your life or through a traumatic period, usually these are the moments or a change in business or life that gets people to pause and reflect

right. And for me, that's what happened. I went through a period of addiction. I went through a period of depression. I went through a period where I didn't have direction, I didn't have a sense of purpose. And then it got me to go towards this like become open to, okay, what is another way? Is there another way?

Because when I would talk to other people around me, they were like, well, this is life. This is just how it is. This is how everybody lives. I didn't buy that, but I didn't know any other way. 

Kelly: I love that. Did you have the thought? So where, where I found myself and where I find a lot of people I come in contact with is the thought that comes across their minds.

Is this as good as it gets? That was the, that when I was having, when I consider my broken breakdown to breakthrough moment, was  I remember laying in bed, like literally crying out, wondering is this is as good as it gets because I kind of followed that same, that same pathway that you just said in the beginning.

You know you go to school, then you went to college, and then you graduated. And then we started a company, and then everyone's like, grow, grow, grow. So we bought another company and then they're like, keep growing, growing, growing. And then we get to this point where we thought we had mastered or what we thought we were trying to achieve.

And I was left with all this emptiness because I'd achieved one thing. , but at that point in time, I was what I would call a public success and a private failure. So then was I living my purpose or was my purpose like out of alignment? Because at that point in time for me, I was chasing money. Me, I think you should make a lot of money.

I want you to make a lot of money, but if you're only focusing on money, to me it's a false positive. And that's where I found myself because at a point in time when we did sell the business, the validation stopped the money stopped. So that is what sent me on an inward journey of who am I if I'm not Kelly with X?

And that is where I discover my purpose. But, It's that you probably have achieved a level of success and now you're questioning what you want the next level of success to look like and feel like because it's probably not feeling what I find to be true is as good as we thought it was gonna feel when we set out to discover it or hit the mark in the first place.

Faisal: So I love that your story is different from mine because I didn't come from like success in entrepreneurship, but you did. And those are the two general, so most of my clients have gone through the corporate route and like they have successful careers in the job. I actually didn't either in the beginning,

So I went into, I studied engineering and I went into the work field. Two years into it, I found myself more and more miserable. I was good at what I did and I kept getting promotions. But when I kind of like, I had this incident where I had this guy beside me in a cubicle of my colleague. And just I went through like six month period of like, I made all these improvements in their production process and I put three times more production and everything.

And after a while, it got relaxed a little bit and I spent a lot of my time just doing other things. I could finish my work in two or three days.  And I just watched this colleague of mine, he was going through the day-to-day. He had the same routine. When he would come in, he would do some stuff on his desk and then go walk around and come back.

And I watched him till Friday. Friday hit. I freaked out cuz I saw him do the same thing Every day! I don't care how much they pay me, I do not see myself doing this shit!.

Kelly: Yeah, you're like, am I living or am I dying at this moment? 

Faisal: Yeah. I'm like, that is not what I visualize as any form of success cuz it looked like I was kinda wheeling the cog In a lot of people who go through the corporate world, they kind of feel like that after a while no matter what level of success.

For some reason, I'm too scared to even try that thing. But then you talked about the other side of it that many of my clients are following now. So they tried the corporate Now they're like, okay, that didn't work. I'm gonna start a business. Yeah. Or I'm gonna start the investing route and I'm gonna do this thing.

And the assumption is, that they do have a better mindset around it in the sense that they want more time and freedom than just more money. Right. But even with that, even if you have time freedom, you have money. I have clients who have a lot of time and who have a lot of money, but they're utterly miserable.

Mm-hmm. . And that comes back to what Kelly keeps alluding to is, is alignment. Yeah, and, and alignment is really important when it comes to your life. Is that how you are showing up on a day-to-day basis? Is that based on what matters to you? Is that based on who you are or is that based on some form of conscious or unconscious expectation that you're following, whether it's by your parents, society, or other people around you.

That just got me hyped. You know I got hyped when I switched. When I hear Woo, we get a whoop whoop in the chair. Alright people, Kelly's hyped. 

Kelly: No, but to me, where I usually spend the first three months with any client is unbecoming. We are. So that's why I just got hyped because you were talking about the conditioning and the patterns and the routines, and so I like to help you become, and I think there's power in killing the old stories, killing the own programs, killing the ways we thought we had to do things and start to ask the questions, what do I want to do? What do I get to do? What gets me excited? What gets me hyped to get out of bed in the morning? And so now we're assuming I'm gonna fast forward this conversation, assuming we're working with a lot of conscious people that have had a level of success but are now wondering, how can I go from good to great?

How can I take these achievements? But now have the inside match the outside, and I think that's where purpose comes full circle is when your internal dialogue, your internal views, the way you want to feel, matches your KPIs, matches your sales goal, matches your year-end revenue. But it's done from a place of switching it. 

And I like to find as much joy in the day as possible and not joy. If, when, if I hit a goal, then I'll be happy if I do this because purpose and receiving are activated through gratitude. So as much as I want you to find your purpose, I want you to find joy and peace and love along the way because sometimes I think when we have these moments where we're finding our purpose.

We're being called to be redefined and it's more about who we're becoming than what we're going through. So purpose activates dormant parts within us. So sometimes when we go through these things, when you were having your aha moment or I was having my aha moment, those aha moments happen to us so that we could then ask to be a teacher of this.

We couldn't teach purpose and passionate legacy if we hadn't gone through and experienced it and been able to activate it within other people. Do you know what I mean? So this is where it gets really good. 

Faisal: Yeah. I really, really love and that hypes me up, so that's good. So, the thing that I, and I wanna unpack a couple of things in there.

So the unbecoming. I think there was this inventor or a scientist, forget his name right now. He's very famous, but he said that I think the biggest challenge for people, especially in the modern world, will be not learning, but unlearning and then relearning. Mm-hmm. . And that's the world that we're going through.

You're not gonna find it, there's no lack of information anymore. You can pretty much find anything on anything and learn it and join certain communities and start to implement it. Tools and skill sets and information are so abundant that, it's like it's unfathomable, to be honest. Like when I look back 10 years ago like we didn't have access to all this stuff.

We didn't have smartphones and all these things to work through. Was it 10 or 12 years ago? Something like that. The flip phone. 

Kelly: Faisal, I was still putting ads in the phone book 12 years ago like that. 

Faisal: Yeah. So. It's like I don't have to, I mean, my whole business is, my phone and laptop. That's, that's right.

For the most part. That's where I am, and it's incredibly powerful.  . So there is no lack of information. And so why is it that we have so much information, and so many tools, there is no lack of how-tos, All you have to do is Google it, and now there's chat, G P T, which you don't even have to Google it.

Yeah. But so with all this, why is it that people are held back? Why is it that people have unfulfilled lives? and there was one psychologist that tried to kind of battle this a while ago, Maslow talked about this even in the 1930s when people had so much abundance coming in. In this, the assumption in the United States is that, well, if we have more food, if we have more leisure time, if we have all this stuff coming in, you should ideally be happy.

But what ended up happening was, People were not happier. People were not at peace. People were becoming more anxious. People are becoming more stressed. and this is where a bigger theme in life and alignment and all these things matters. And I want to circle back to unbecoming. What is that? So I always ask this question, and I, I don't know where I, I heard this in a, in a lecture a long time ago, and it just stuck with me.

Is that, who were you before the world got its hands on you? And so we're all brought up in different contexts, but we start out as human beings. We start out with the family, whatever context that family had, whether it was a single mom or parents, or a bigger community. You come in, first of all, you don't come in with a language, so keep that in mind.

So whatever thoughts you have in relation to any kind of language like English or Farsi or Spanish, Italian, whatever, those are thoughts that were given to you because you didn't come into this world with that. So those could be really powerful, positive thoughts or those could be incredibly destructive thoughts, which a lot of will we can go into how our beliefs are set up around that.

When you come into this world, you come with a sense of adventure. You come with a sense of curiosity. You come with potential. In fact, when we look at kids, what do we see? Like kids are fairly useless, to be honest. , they can't do anything when they come into this life, I have two daughters and they come, they can't even move but we're so amazed at this.

We're looking at it. They can't do anything. But what do we see? We don't see them. We actually see their potential. Yeah. Like, my God, this person's like, like I have to do all this work, but this person is amazing and this is why when you actually interview parents, the hardest work for them might be being a parent, but the most fulfilling thing might be a parent cuz they are helping blossom this potential that can come into this world.

Yeah. So you come into this world. First of all, you come with this potential and then you come into a community, a family, and this is normal and natural that you will be given a variety of positive, and negative, some things that will work for you, that works for that community or for that family, but some things that will be completely insane. 

Some things will not work. And then there was a comedian I was listening to the other day. He's like, tho those moments where you realized that he put it in extreme ways. Like you realize when your parents were morons, and I'm not saying your parents are morons, he was just a comedian saying it, but he is like,

our family was like us when we're trying to build a, we make mistakes. So did they, even though they appear like you're heroes, they made mistakes. they didn't realize what they were passing on. Half the time, we will do the same exact thing. So what is it that you learned? And it will be a mixture of positive, and negative things.

Some things will apply to you and to the path that you are in. Some things will feel aligned, but many things will not. So what we're talking about in the unlearning processes is really stepping back from your reaction mode and reacting to whatever your past was really becoming conscious of. Okay, how do I wanna show up now?

Who am I in this whole process? Yeah. If I were to take, and Kelly was talking about if, who would she be without this without the money? Who is she without the money? Who's she? Without the role. But I would say make it even more extreme. Who are you without your identity as being part of this family or being part of this culture as being part of this system?

Who are you without any of that stuff? Obviously, you're interconnected to that, but when you can find that part and you understand what alignment is with that, then you're gonna understand, oh, what can I pick and choose from this abundant array of things that I can take from my environment that would serve my path to move forward in a direction that matters to me.

I don't know if I complicated that overly, but maybe Kelly can break it.

Kelly: No, I think it's, I think it's good and I think you nailed it where I think you can further this exploration on your own is through inner child work, through shadow, work, through what I call like adult temper tantrums.

These are the times in our life when we are throwing a fit or we're feeling triggered, or we have anxiety coming up and a lot of being conscious is recognizing this feeling that's coming up as part of my current reality. Or am I feeling something from before, from earlier in life, and now I have a choice as a fully integrated adult to show up and choose a different way to respond or react to the situation.

So for me personally, I think you can learn a lot about who you are and how you're wired by following it. and following what you're feeling and following it back to other times in your life when you felt that same thing. And then ask yourself, do I wanna still choose to feel this, or do I wanna let this go?

So I think there's power, you know, you're jokingly talking about kids being worthless, but at, I always have this analogy, like no one holds up a brand new baby and was like, you are not worthy. Like everybody holds up a brand new baby and they're like, yay. Lord, it's alive and everybody celebrates. And a lot going back to the inner child a little bit more.

I think if you can think of what you had fun with and you can activate the fun within you, I think a lot of your purpose is hidden there. Me, I actually went to school to be a teacher and had a background in psychology, but I only ever taught two. But I'm still teaching every day in and out the teachers and me.

But I played teacher every single day in my bedroom growing up. So I really like remembering the times and activating the parts within us when we felt free and when we felt taken care of because a lot of times we're doing our purpose because we don't have anything else we have to think about or take care of.

And so I think when we talked about just navigating purpose, I think. Taking some time to slow down to speed up. I talk about that a lot. You know, if you are even interested in this conversation, odds are you might even feel like this is painful to slow down to even think this way because you're probably onto the next thing and ready for the next goal and the next challenge because that's in you.

But imagine how much more of an impact you could have if it was coming from inside of you, and then it felt good too. Now I might've just confused us more.

Faisal: No, no, I, I love that you actually simplified the process and I love that you brought us back to, and you alluded to a couple of things that one like going back to that question of who were you before the world got its hands on you, well, you were a child.

What do children do? Children are always looking for something that they have. You can't force them to do something, to be honest. Like if they're, like, my kids are painting for a while, they'll paint for a while. And if I'm interrupting my older daughter usually is like, Baba, I'm trying to focus. Ok, I'm gonna walk away now. but then if I'm trying to get her to do something else she won't, but if she gets tired of that at that moment, she just moves on. 

Please goes. Yeah. And there are, there's not even a second thought about, oh, I've committed this much time to this blah, blah, blah. She just moves on, moves to the thing, and she just has fun. There's another, there's a level of engagement focus.

There's curiosity, there's fun, there's joy. These are very natural things to us. Yeah. The problem is when you become an adult, you kind of lose sight of that because they, what do they tell you? It's like getting serious. Focus. Like all sorts of things as if we didn't have those things, to begin with. And, again, this is not to blame anybody it's just that we've kind of, this has happened generationally in a sense.

Like whoever got treated that way, they just passed that on to the next generation. And stepping back, and I loved what you said is that most people will even be overwhelmed just hearing this. I'm like, well, I'm already busy. I'm like, what? How can I do this stuff?

Well, even if you just step back from your day, like take a couple of moments. It could have a 30-minute block time. Or 15-minute block time. Forget, keep doing your goals. Whatever you're doing, do it. But if you just step back and just reflect how do I feel in this moment? I feel anxious, and Kelly keeps talking about what you feel cuz the feelings are really important.

Feelings are a way for your body to make you aware of what's happening inside of you. And usually, we don't remember feelings because we are in the mental world, in which we're reflecting on thoughts, images, goals, and all that stuff. We're so disconnected, we're not noticing the signals from our bodies.

And so what do you feel at that moment? What do I feel in this moment, the thing that I'm doing right now, does this matter to me? What do I really wanna do? what matters to me, and that could be questions about your personal life. That could be questions about your business, and it could be just as simple as that just write down your thoughts and just notice what you're feeling.

That could be the beginning of stopping the reactionary mode, which is to just go, go, go, go from one appointment to the next, and there are days I do that too, but then I have reflection times with them. If your morning, afternoon, then evening, I usually have reflection times like, okay, what happened?

What did this thing, the day that I went through, even though I was busy was that meaningful to me? Did that matter to me? Did it enjoy it? Did I gain something from it? Is this still part of my vision, part of my path? Those are questions that help us understand. Are we on the right track?

And nobody else can tell you any of this. I can't sit there and tell you, oh, you should be doing this. And this is what we hear most of our life. So we look for external validation. But what we're asking you to do is to take some time to reflect and notice what's your own system telling you. 

Kelly: I love that. Two things come up for me when you share that, is one, I think so often with the culture of. Go, go, go. And more and more and more, I think that we do get in such a rinse-and-repeat cycle that we actually forget what it feels like to feel good, cuz we haven't cultivated that space for self-care, self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance.

We haven't. Set time aside for that. So we don't even know how kind of far away we've gotten from our true, pure bliss joy, and happiness because we're so caught up in the hustle and bustle. So I think slowing down. Truly allows you to speed up because it allows you to come home to yourself and hear your own head.

There are so many voices around you, and I think if you work on the questions that Faisal shared, what that's gonna do is it's going to help create awareness. And once it comes up in you, it's ready to be activated. Your purpose is meant to activate you, and being an entrepreneur is hard. So you have to stretch outside of your comfort zone.

You're gonna have limiting beliefs or low-serving emotions that are gonna wanna hold you back. And your purpose is your compass. That's your g p s, your red light dashboard indicator to remind you of your why and activate that why, so you can continue to live out your purpose. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

Faisal: I love that.

And just really kind of think of it also bringing business into the picture as Kelly has. So we're looking at it at a high level is that you need to have some level of awareness to be even conscious of why you're doing the things that you're doing. What does it matter to you to do? Because I mean, think about entrepreneurship, it's, it's a hard process.

It's not an easy process. There's a lot in there. The way I describe it is that you've been kind of living in this golden cage. Most of your life, if you're in the job world and, all of a sudden the cage, you are open, you open up, you're excited about it, there's a whole forest. You go in there, I'm like, holy shit.

There are predators all around. What the hell do I do? 

Kelly: You just brought up something so good. I just had an aha reminder moment myself a lot of times in the corporate world cuz even when we had a company, I still was representing our company, so it wasn't all on me and I never thought about myself to this level.

Until I was a hundred percent Kelly Adams coaching. Cuz even at ACE, I was able to hide behind something. So I think, I think entrepreneurship forces you into a self-discovery journey because now it's about you and now the judgment that hides behind a logo or the fear or the shame, or the scared to ask now becomes all of you.

So you have to feel safe being seen, feel safe, being heard, feel safe using your voice, and all of these things that you might have been programmed or conditioned over the years to go doormat. Yeah. And then all of a sudden you're an entrepreneur and you're like, wow. Like exactly. You just said, holy shit.

It's like, strap on cuz we're going for a ride. 

Faisal: And there are so many uncertainties in there because like you said you can hide behind the system. Like when you actually think of a normal. A business that you're part of, we don't normally think about it, but the people who created it, have thought about a whole plan structure.

There's a vision in there and there are goals, and there, there are structures in there, and you are just one component of that. So you can feel safe if I just keep doing this thing, everything will be good in the faith is in the, in the business to run itself and sometimes it crashes and burns and you're like, oh, what the hell happened in there?

But a lot of times it continues. But you are an aspect of that. But as soon as you go like full, like let's say if, if you have a, a business such as us, like a coaching business, or you're an influencer of sorts, or you're a multi-family investor, you're going full-on yourself, you're gonna have to promote yourself.

You're gonna have to do your capital raising or at least rely on team members to do that. You're gonna have to set your own schedule. Like, that's one of the weirdest things that I've seen, people who have done like multimillion-dollar raises for like other organization, when they come into entrepreneurship they're amazing in sales, but as soon as they come in, they get scared.

 And they're good at creating structures. So they'll be like, okay, let's come up with the, with the schedule. What are you gonna focus on? They will put everything in there. But the things that will actually move the business forward, because they're so scared. 

Okay, let me drop, let me drop one of my little Kelly 

Kelly: one-liners here. Money is safer with you when you are safer with yourself. That's why it's all about you now as an entrepreneur. So it feels scared to, to ask for that because now it's. You are asking and you're assuming other people's pocketbooks and you're assuming other people's judgment or other people's X, Y, or Z.

Yeah. So I think as you're on your self-discovery journey, you are able to pull some of your shadows. I shadows to me, are dark spots, things that we like to hide, things we wanna push down, things we don't wanna think about, but when you bring them to the line, they lose their power and you find yours.

So when you do this stuff or talk about the stuff, or process or journal through the stuff that you're scared of. There's awareness and then there's no fear that can reside where there's light at the same time. Now it's just messy action. So again, the safer you are with you, the safer money is with you, period.


Faisal: And I've seen that. So one of the things that I've adapted, is very odd for me because I'm not a movement type of person. Yeah. Well, there is no type of person that I believe, but most of my life, I grew up being much slower. And even there was a point where I was just fixing these sheets with my wife for the bed.

And she was doing, and she's really fast. She's doing all that stuff. I'm like, you know, I just realized I feel like I'm a sloth. And, and not in a negative way. I'm like, I like going slow. Right? She's like, yeah, you could have asked me a few years ago, ok, I didn't know that. But, the funny thing is that I find myself being much more movement oriented, not because I like being overly ambitious or I'm doing all this stuff, but because I'm pulled in that direction.

Yeah. Because I just love what I'm doing and I'm passionate about what I'm doing, and this is a huge part of my contribution, my purpose, and all that stuff. A lot of it's not that because I'm doing this, it becomes just a part of you. It becomes aligned with you. And how I describe it is I'm on top of this wave and the wave is the force underneath me and I'm kind of just enjoying the journey.

So whether I like it or not, I'm getting pulled in this direction or I'm getting pushed in this direction and, and that's, that's actually the feeling that you brought up shadow work. One of my favorite people for that is Carl Young. Yeah. He is like the father of that work because as a psychologist, he did a lot of that exploration within himself.

And one of my favorite books memories, dreams and Reflections, and he talks about it. And he put it the same way that Socrates did, is that I wish I could take credit for all these things that I did, but it wasn't me. There was a part of me. Within myself that actually pulled me in that direction.

 Call that my Damon, which it's not demonn, it's Damon is like a personal God or a spirit or a force within me. And you feel, and you can put it in terms of your soul, your heart, your core, your true self, that starts to get activated and you naturally become more ambitious in a sense, but more consciously ambitious.

And what we're trying to get you to see is that there is that part of you there. And then what I was alluding to the business side is that your business needs to fit into that. Your business can't be an outside thing, outside of who you are. And a lot of times I see this with entrepreneurs or people who are trying to become entrepreneurs, and they will have all these opportunities because they are ambitious.

Like, oh, I'll do this thing and I'll do this thing because I don't wanna put all my eggs in the same basket. Because that's what I'm told by Warren Buffet and all these guys. Actually, Warren Buffet says the opposite of that. The other, the other guys who said it. But when you're actually looking, exploring their life, they're doing one thing that matters to them.

They're doing four other things that have nothing to do with them, and they're constantly distracted by them, and they hate being in there. They hate being part of the meetings. They can't stand putting in the effort. They're frustrated half the time when you ask them, well, why are you frustrated? Isn't that what you chose to go into?

And then you find out, no, they just reacted to it. They never made a choice. And what we're trying to get you to do is think about, well, what feels aligned with you? What matters to you? What brings joy to you? What could ideally create more passion in your life? What, who do you need to become? Who do you want to become, ideally?

Mm-hmm. in the process as you are growing, and a lot of this is about your own growth and your business, the money, the family, everything is an expression of that. Ultimately. 

Kelly: I love that you guys, as you're watching this back, if anything is coming up for you or through for you in regards to purpose or a time that you're able to share about how you discovered your purpose, please share that as well in comments because I think it, there's power in normalizing, there's power in normalizing, Hey, we're all humans.

Like these are the thoughts that we have. And how can we manage them or how can we bring in a new thought or how can we just expand? So it's like everything is just here to be an expander for you. So hopefully you can grab one little nugget, one takeaway cuz if you listen to this and you do nothing, you just wasted your 45 minutes.

Let's be honest here. If you listen to this and you take one action, one 15% step, and decide. Stick with it, and this is sets and reps. You can't just decide you're going to do this today and then stop tomorrow, or else I'd have a six-pack because everybody who joins the gym. Those two weeks at the gym are super busy.

But it's also a choice. And I wanna say it's a choice. And it comes with practice. By choosing, you can choose how you wanna show up. Now you can choose differently, you can choose to operate from, your purpose and from your passion. And people around me joke because I'm like, okay, I decided as of today, I'm now X.

And I literally was calling in a new attribute that I wanna be a receiver of. And now for me, it's sets and reps. I will practice doing that day in and day out until it's just a part of me now. So what's with purpose? You're gonna begin to think about it, you might explore it, but it's through repetition and consistently having ongoing thought work and processes and to decondition and un become that you actually find your purpose, so don't get discouraged if you're like, oh, I sat, I journaled for three minutes and I don't know what it is yet. Okay, cool. Well, you took one step now what's a step you can take tomorrow? 

Faisal: Yeah, and this is why we can't just say, oh, this is your purpose, or it even for me, like I can say, okay, there are things that matter to me right now and I have a purpose statement and everything, but.

This is an ongoing journey. This is an ongoing discovery that the path that you're on, every step that you take, and it's with action that you actually develop more clarity. Most of the clarity comes in action. Not before it. Yes, we, there's a level of thinking we can do around our vision, around our goals, and around the things that matter to us, the reflection points.

But a lot of it will get revealed to you as you take that next step forward. And that's what we're trying to get you to do. So I wanna get you to think about two big kinds of question themes, and then a couple of challenges in here too for you to work on. One is really asking yourself. Is my life in alignment with who I am?

So what that, what, what, if you wanna dig a little bit in there, does this life matter to me? Did I create this because I consciously love this process of growth, the life that I've created, and it doesn't mean that there aren't challenges. That means you accept the challenges, the positive, the negative, all of it.

You accept all of it. This is what I wanted. Because Lord knows there are challenges in life, every week, pretty much. And, and that's the process of that. But you can choose to do that and then ask yourself. The business or businesses I have, do they feel aligned with that bigger theme for me, or that bigger alignment, or that bigger purpose?

And, really reflect on that. And the challenge would be, would be, is take out at least 15, or 20 minutes to think about this and see what comes up and share your thoughts with us here. And we're gonna go on this journey with you and, hopefully, some of these things. Trigger some realization or thought or insight for you to take a new step in a positive direction or in a different direction that matters to you.

Kelly: I love it. I think. So today we dove into purpose. If this conversation supported you, then I would suggest you come and join us back here next Tuesday, one o'clock Eastern as well, where we're gonna move from purpose into passion, and then we're going to bring this series full circle the following week, where we're going to talk about how do we take that purpose and that passion and create our legacy.

So we hope you stick along with us for these next two weeks as we unpack this and Faisal let you close up.

Faisal: Yeah, well this was a lot of fun for me to, again, this was the fir first time we're kind of doing something like this, Kelly and I, oh, so I hope you bear with us. So we're still trying to figure, and navigate through our thoughts and it's amazing how much alignment there is.

We had an intuition about it, but we didn't actually know how it would go. So it's even for our kind of jumping in doing this and it takes a little bit of. Okay, we'll just do this and figure out what comes out of it. So thank you for bearing with us on that end. . I'm excited to move forward towards passion and legacy because I know a lot of you, as you're building a conscious life do think about your passion life.

Well, what matters to you within that, what do you feel on a consistent basis? What do you wanna feel? And then the legacy, what are you leaving behind? What is the message? What is the model? What is the what, what is the contribution that you're leaving behind in your life? And, it gets more and more interesting as we go through this.

Share your thoughts, share your practice. Share any realizations, or any questions that you had, we'd love to support you personally. We would be messaging you in connecting with you. So let us know. And please like and share this and send it to anybody if you got value from this, that would be served by this.

Well, cheers to income and impact and we will see you next Tuesday 

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