Stepping into Confidence Randi Jo's Empowering Transformational Story

Jun 06, 2023

Stepping into Confidence: Randi Jo's Empowering Transformational Story

Faisal Ensaun: Hello. Hello. Great to see Randi Jo here with us today. Thank you, Randi Jo, for agreeing to do this with me. 

Randi Jo: Welcome. I'm a pleasure here. I'm glad to be here. 

Faisal Ensaun: Well, I'm so excited about this conversation. This is, I think six or seventh conversation that I'm doing in this series.

Essentially the purpose of these conversations whether you're listening to it on my podcast, YouTube channel, or somewhere else on social media. The purpose of this is to help you understand why people get coaching. Why do they even think about going into coaching? What do they get out of it tangibly?

And why do they invest money, time, and effort into it? Because a lot of people don't know what coaching is and a lot of what they might think they know that is not really what coaching is and so part of it is I'm also educating what coaching is. Cause it's a fairly new field out in the world

 and there are different ways of approaching things and a lot of people might not know that this is the kind of support that's available to them. Many people are aware of therapy these days. They're aware of mental health from a therapy standpoint, but they don't know that coaching might be an avenue for them to

move forward and gain results faster in their life. Whether that's related to their well-being, that's related to their relationships, that's related to their finances, that's related to their general life strategy and vision. They can actually get the support that way and these conversations will help you understand directly from my clients, what are they getting out of it.

Why are they investing their time, effort, and money into this process also these conversations tend to be pretty profound because we both realize amazing things and I don't know what I'm gonna ask to be honest and Randi Jo doesn't know what I'm gonna ask. I'm just gonna jump into the conversation.

I want this to be an authentic, raw conversation. What has coaching done for Randi Jo? So we'll get this started. Randi Jo, why don't you just share a little bit about yourself and what you do for a living? What is your vision for your life?

What are you trying to create? What are you trying to contribute? And then we'll go into the next phase of this. 

Randi Jo: Okay. A little bit about me is I work for the state of Colorado and I've been a probation officer for 19 years. Serving people that have come across the law in a negative way, but helping them to find hope again.

And that is kinda where it led me to be a certified life coach in 2013. If I can help my clients at work, so why can't I help others in the community that I work in? So I'm really excited about that. With the coaching piece of it, at first, it's like, Ooh, I'm a coach. I should know it all. I don't know it all.

I never have. So that's when I reached out for a coach to coach me or Faisal I've worked with a couple of different ones, but about three years ago we started a program with real estate investing through Rod Khlief and Faisal was my coach on there and so he was more of a mentor for me and is like, wow, I get what he's asking the right questions and what I needed to hear

and so I was really excited to work with Faisal for a couple of years. I think it's been what, two, two, almost two and a half years or a little less than that and just the questions you've asked have helped me to build more confidence in what I'm doing and that I'm doing the right thing. Because sometimes you ask, it's like, am I doing the right thing?

Am I on the right path? And that's kinda where I've led up to in the coaching piece of it and getting help for myself and I really have enjoyed this journey. Even though it's scary at times the fear we face, it's like, oh my gosh and like I tell my clients at work, it's like, Usually about 90% of the time on the other side of fear is that rainbow you've been looking for.

So that's kinda what I have to still tell myself too. It's like coaching myself internally but also having a coach to help me. 

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Thank you for sharing that and then there are a couple of things in there. First of all, I love what you said, that as a coach, we need to be coached. We don't know everything including me and that's actually one of the I have a mastermind. Randi Joe knows that she was part of it for a little bit. Coaching Master Community. One of the things that we value, that we uphold is that a coach needs to get coached because coaches are not experts in the sense that, Hey, you should do this.

There are more guides based on the experiences that they've gone through and based on the process that they've learned to help you navigate your world better and that actually requires them experientially to do their work, their internal work. This is not just intellectual learning which might be normal to, let's say somebody who's a trainer.

A trainer can learn a bunch of topics and they can train you on it, but coaches are different in the sense that. They have gone through a life where they have challenged themselves to go through certain challenges and learn better, to create better systems in their life. A better vision for life and a better process doesn't mean they have their life perfect.

That doesn't even mean that they don't have struggles. It just means that they have gone toward life head on and they're consistently dealing with things and then they have gone trained in a process to help you navigate your life better and so in that process, they're just like any other human being and they're learning this stuff.

But when you get coached in the process, just like everybody human being has a blind spot, they deal with their blind spots as well. So they are not projecting those negative sides of themselves onto their clients and also the other side of it is, and this is one of the most common things that I've heard, is usually Clients come to me because they're part of a general program and for you it was a real estate investing program that you were a part of, that you got exposed to and, and I'm gonna guess it was at a group and one-on-one level, right? It was one, a small part of one-on-one. But there was generally group, 

Randi Jo: correct. The one-on-one, really, really lit my fire.

It's like, okay, he can read. I dunno if he could read me or not and my husband, we did it together, so it was kind of cool. It's like, oh. He was asking the right questions and I learned a lot more about my husband. What he wanted too, when you asked the right questions, cause communication, you know, with your sibling, I'm not sibling, but your spouse, usually you don't know what questions to ask, but when someone from outside asks those questions, it helps too to like, oh, okay, this is what they want.

These are their goals, and then they also can hear my goals. I guess you can be like the mediator in a way. Yeah. So it's kinda cool having that coaching session. As well. 

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah and then that's generally usually people go towards coaching because they get exposed to it because they're part of something else and the reason why coaching was a part of this investing program is because the person who created it, he knew the value of coaching to help you. Gets unstuck in certain areas, whether that's in your relationship or in terms of your mindset around money or investing or your goal setting, all sorts of stuff and that's where a lot of people find out and a lot of other people outside of those programs, they have no idea that this kind of work supports is available to them. That's part of the reason why we're having this conversation and you already described that you jumped in because you got exposed to me and I asked certain questions that directed your mind better and it helped you feel more confident as you move forward.

So at some point, you jumped into my program and if I know correctly, that was a group program with some one-on-one coaching involved initially, and then you went more towards one-on-one. So what made you wanna jump into the group coaching program that was part of my it was mostly group coaching in a small community site setting.

Randi Jo: I would say being in the group setting, it was so much easier to see.

I, you know, to say that this was a lot of'em, more real estate investors and so it's kind of nice to say, okay, I'm round like-minded people and they say the five people you surround yourself with, that's who you become and it's like, okay, if I really wanna get into real estate investing, I need to surround myself with these kinds of people too

and then have you as the coach to help us and ask those questions and those visions that you had the like the vision board is the first one I ever did with you and it's like, wow, this is really where I see myself and just thinking, okay, where do I see myself even in five years from now? It was amazing to say it is possible.

I'm not gonna stay here in my career for till I'm 65, like statistics show, you know, retire from that, then you can just go at the beach and whatever you wanna do. But no, there's more to retirement than just working in that career and then just living off your pension. So that's where I really got in tune to it with the real estate piece of it.

And being surrounded by like-minded people. I was really excited and then those people and I became friends and we could work together too. So I think you being the host, I guess you could say the, you know, the person, the coach, the host, whatever it was at that time and then we would break off into individual.

One-on-one sessions where we could deep dive deeper, helped me a lot too. 

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah. So what I hear there is that and this is an important piece, especially if you're trying to create something that is difficult, that is new it is a transition you are going through. A lot of people go through transitions, and a lot of times they feel alone in that transition period, whether that's building a new business or going on the investing path.

A lot of my clients are multi-family investors or they're transitioning out of their job or they're transitioning within their life in their relationships. It actually feels like a lonely process when you're kind of dealing with it every day in, day out on your own, even if you have family and friends around you, even if you have a supportive spouse.

A lot of times I ask these questions and it really catches people off guard. It's like when people talk about their spouse, a lot of times they take the role of a coach, at least one of them does. They try to help them in other ways beyond being a partner. So they kind of feel responsible for them to move forward

and a lot of times I'll say, it's like, it sounds like you're trying to be a coach for your spouse. As soon as I say that, it just says so he's like, yeah, I'm like, What does that feel like? A lot of times it kind of feels like a burden like they're taking that on even though they don't feel competent enough to move them forward

and they don't even know that that's a separate role from a spouse and a partner who's there to listen to them, to support them, to connect with them, to cheer them on, versus trying to help solve their challenges and so one of them, and it becomes important that When people are going through these transitions, do they have a community?

Do they have a coach? Do they have the support that can help them, especially if it's gonna accelerate their path on that journey? And that's one of the reasons why I created a community with entrepreneurs and investors, multifamily investors. Who come together and they don't necessarily talk about the technical aspects of what they're doing.

A lot of times we're going much deeper, like Randi Joe talked about, we're going into their vision. What does their long-term life look like? What does their strategy look like towards their, how are they dealing with the challenges in their day-to-day life? How are they finding their habits? And we go into a process of getting them to think about deeper in their life and as they hear these other people.

Who are on a very similar journey as them? They feel lighter. They're like, holy shoot, I'm not the only one, and I feel like I'm supported by this community of people. Would you say that's accurate in your experience? 

Randi Jo: Definitely, and I think I've got some lifelong friends too that I've met, even though I haven't seen 'em face to face, but on virtual and on social media.

And they're supporting me too. They're cheering me on. So when I post stuff on Facebook or social media, they're there to cheer me on, and that's what made me feel good because, in the community that I'm in, people don't know much about real estate. So what they don't know, they don't know and it's like, I appreciate the community you've created in the real estate realm and whether it is real estate or maybe it isn't, maybe it's into something else.

You know, overall you're letting us be ourselves and as you said, authentic and tell our story cause everybody does have a story, you know, to tell and to share and I think just being able to continue. To encourage others, I know you always said the thing to me, it's like I want them to follow me, my friends to follow.

But you say you've taught me. It's like who, how many people can go through that doorway? It may be just you, but they can come behind you, but you can't go through it at the same time and I think you setting on the pathway to set by example of what there is out there with the real estate. I think that really gave me a light bulb Faisal when you told me that.

I have to be the first to go through if there's something I wanna fulfill. 

Faisal Ensaun: I love that. I remember that conversation. Thank you for sharing that. I love that. All these memories are coming back as we're talking. Mm-hmm and you also shared so how to help us understand the difference between the group setting.

And then you said that there, so part of the group setting program was that I usually offer one or two sessions as a bonus program. Bonus. These are one-on-one deep dive sessions. So you're, this is the group setting is helping you understand your path better. It's clarifying some things. It's helping you deal with some of the challenges, and it's helping you connect with other members whose perspectives are helping you as well.

Then what happens in the one-on-one sessions? What happened there? 

Randi Jo: I was able to dive deeper and ask more questions than I had in the group setting. maybe I don't feel confident to ask. Or what are your thoughts? You know, what can I do? I like that you're able to help us with timelines.

When do you wanna do this? You know, set it up, take an action plan, all that more one-on-one. We're in the group. You just say, okay, this is what we're gonna do, which is great, but I think when we come down to our individual, it's like, okay. What do you, it's just, I guess it's more geared toward me versus the whole group, and that helps me a lot to process it more.

Not that I don't process in the group, but when we come for the one-on-one, there are more questions and I can ask you, how can I do this to go forward instead of two steps back, how can I go forward and take action and apply that? 

Faisal Ensaun: And I wanna clarify a couple of things here. So now there were a couple of roles that we did.

We did group coaching and one-on-one coaching. But also there was, part of our coaching was consultative too, because. I also helped you with your business. I wanna separate that a little bit and that that part is more consulting and was mixed with coaching, but because that's what I do as part of my other business.

I train other coaches and I have background experience in that area, so I was helping you move that forward as well. There was advice in relation to that specific and sometimes you can mix coaching and consulting and so for example, I have a business certification where I bring in coaching and then bring in consulting into it that fast tracks the process in relation to a specific business.

But coaching is a little bit different in the sense that a lot of it is that I'm getting you to understand your path forward and you are realizing things and you're making commitments based on your own realizations. Consulting is. When I come in with specific knowledge around, Hey, for you to build a, for example, a coaching business, you need to be able to reach out to this many people to get this many clients and so on and so forth.

So there's some background data around that and experience around that. Would you say that that differentiation is accurate? 

Randi Jo: Definitely it is, and it helped me to quit procrastinating on getting my website up and running too, which was nice at consulting. That part of it. It really helped me too on that part.

Faisal Ensaun: Awesome. So at some point, you also transitioned into doing more one-on-one coaching with me. I'm gonna go in more into like what were the specific tangible differences that you saw and your path, but why did you decide to go from more group to one-on-one? At some point?

Randi Jo: The group, I felt that I had got enough. Not enough, but it was like, it built my confidence more to do the one-on-one because I knew that this is something I wanna go forward in and also to coach others too, whether it be in real estate as well, and working more one-on-one. That helped me to see, what do I want to say, work on a program I can offer as well in the techniques that you taught me.

Also is helping. What I've learned from you has helped me even in my immediate career. It's helped me tremendously to coach my clients that I have in my career right now and so that has really helped my community, I'm looking at it as a ripple effect. Yeah. So what you've taught me one-on-one, I've also shared with my clients in

with probation officer clients, even probation officers too and it's like, if we can help these people with the right questions to ask, they in turn will help their own families in the community. In the more ripple effect, whether it be with the clients or the probation officers that I work with, it's amazing what it has helped me to build my leadership skills in my career right now.

Even the last three years have really helped. Boost my leadership skills and I feel more confident. Even though I was a PO 15 years prior. It's just like this has just been the springboard for me. Yeah. So the legacy that I wanna leave, 

Faisal Ensaun: I love that, that's awesome and by the way for anybody that's listening to this one of the most important skill sets is your ability to lead your, whether those are the ability to lead within your team, lead within your home lead within your organization, whatever role you have.

Most leaders that I've talked to, hundreds of my clients, they kind of go into that role as like. Somebody promotes them into that, or they fill in the role of somebody else who just moved off. They don't actually have any formal training or they don't actually have anything. They might go through a small short-term training around that role, but leadership is usually different from that specific role.

It means are you actually, do you have the ability to motivate and inspire others? Do you have the ability to connect with and empathize with others? Do you have the ability to support people to go towards a common vision, a common path? You have the ability to bring people together to go toward something common

and that is probably one of the most important skill sets within any team, within any organization within your home, which coaching deals with a lot because leadership actually starts with self-leadership. As we develop more confidence internally and learn to lead ourselves in a specific direction, it slowly starts to translate into how we lead others

and this is not the case. Like the kind of leadership well do, as I say, it's more the kind of leadership as how can we work together to move this forward? And we have a term for this, it's a model for leadership style, servant leadership, and that generally helps people move forward. Now, would you say that has been your experience where it has helped you connect better and lead people better in that way?

Randi Jo: Oh, most definitely. and especially in my career, it's helped a lot me taking on the role of starting big, like the wellness fair we had to do I was the chair of the wellness committee and I was able to get all these resources together. I had team people help me, but I was a leader pretty much the song Leader of the Pack, I guess you could say, but I was a leader to help.

Okay. Encourage him to. Reach out to people to bring our, this wellness fair together as one. There were only five of us and there are 160 people, but only five of us within the department brought this together, which was great it was a success, and people want to come back next year and talk about the people we brought in as guest speakers locally, is this, like, that has built my confidence I can do this.

It's like, oh no, I don't wanna step back and wait. But no, I'm going forward. It's helped me to become a doer and to do more so, and that's what I've really enjoyed a lot is Working with a coach. It has just opened up my eyes, even though I'm older and I know you always said, it's like it's happening for you now for a reason

and it's not like because you, at 30, you should know it all or 40. You're learning every day and so that's what I appreciate about the coaching piece too. 

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah, I love that and I really wanna celebrate you because I mean, coaching, being in conversation with a coach is one thing, but actually taking it

and applying it into your life, within your team, within the work that you do, that, that takes an immense amount of courage and planning and energy and effort. You're the one who needs to do that work, and you did that, and I really wanna celebrate you on that and I'm really excited because now, as you said, it's creating a bigger ripple effect and we're all part of that ripple effect that's in.

And I feel good that you as a leader, Or going out there and I remember having, I was like, Randi Jo, you need to be out there. You need to be doing more things and now I can see you like putting yourself out there and also I know you're putting yourself out there as a coach more as well.

How did coaching help you do that more? On that path.

Randi Jo: What really helped me was, you know, For me, it's like, okay, am I doing the right thing? Is this right for me? But also what if this person talks negatively about what I'm doing? And I think putting those blinders on, this is for me, I can't control what their thoughts are.

All I can do is control and what I want to do and what passion that I have and what I wanna share with others I think that a lot of social media is really scary when you first do Facebook Live for the first time, it's like, Faisal would say, do it. Do it. You know, just go forward. Don't even think about it.

It will come naturally and I did do that and then some workshops that I've done too. Working with women over 50 that are close to retirement and that's where I'm really thriving because of financial freedom, there's only so much we have coming from our pensions if we're lucky to have a pension in our careers.

And so it's kind of nice just to have different options too and I think just like you said, just get out there, do it, do it and you were in the back of my mind all the time. Do it, Randi. Do it. 

Faisal Ensaun: I love that and thank you for sharing that. So, I mean the way you're describing is so simple, but I remember going back, we had multiple conversations.

We went deeper into what were the reasons behind what was holding you back and what was stopping you on that path. What would happen if you move forward? What were some of the hesitations? This is all normal for every human being and also there's the challenge piece of, okay, once you come up with, this is gonna serve me to move forward.

Then, and then this is the big differentiation. Coaches never tell people what to do. It's, there is a big piece of challenge involved that, hey, this is what you're saying is gonna move your life, your contribution, your family forward. Now what do you think is gonna move you forward in this area? And usually, the commitment is made by the client.

And coaches challenge that and that's what helps clients move forward. Now, that might happen in two conversations, one conversation, or six conversations. We don't know. Now. And it's very simple for us to say, oh, okay, well that, cause it didn't happen in that one conversation, actually, not even just in those six conversations, you had a lot of time to reflect and try things and some things worked, some things didn't.

Would you say that that development is accurate, that it took a little bit of time, but a lot of those reflections and commitments and challenges helped you consistently and slowly build on that and move forward? 

Randi Jo: Most definitely. What really is like, I make those commitments, but if it was a failure, I would do it again

and I guess I wouldn't look at it as a, well, as you fail, you have to move forward, right? Sometimes it is, you go two steps back to get that first step up and, and I look at, you know, a lot of people that do fail, but they brush themselves up and get up again and try it over again and I think that's how you grow as a person, is the more times you fall

the more, it's better you do it differently. There's more opportunity to tweak it differently and to apply it and it did take me a little bit, it's like just that little hesitant, it's like, okay, especially with the career I was, I'm in right now. It's like I don't want people to know what I do, you know?

And it's like getting out there and like my husband always says, you're scared of your own shadow and it's like, I guess you're right. In a way, I am. So, you know, him having that support. To encourage me to do more than label me what I am. So I wear many hats and that's what I'm very happy to figure out that I wear so many hats and I want to share that with others in the coaching has helped that way too.

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah, I love that and I can sense your conference right now as you're sharing them, I remember the Randi Jo from a year ago, and Randi Jo now there's, so what I used to see was more hesitation and more like, oh, what if I do this, this happens. What if I do that? This happens and usually, as a coach, whether you're with your clients or I'm with your clients, you don't know how long somebody's journey is gonna take.

Everybody's different. We know that it's gonna, coaching accelerates your path. Everybody's different on their path based on where they are and everybody's situation is so unique and that's why failure is not a judgment thing. Failure is just your learning on that path and growing. But now I see more passion.

I see more confidence. Now I see more conviction, which completely shows up very differently and those are some of the things you've shared as. There's more confidence that has developed. There's more of a role as a leader that has developed, you become more of a doer and how do you feel about all that?

Randi Jo: I love it. I just, I just feel like I wake up every morning earlier than I used to, which is like, okay, what's for today? What's the challenge today? What can I solve today? You know, that's the kind of excitement I have. Looking for 

Faisal Ensaun: better, Randy? Yeah. Yeah. That is awesome. So other than those areas of becoming a doer, generally leadership and confidence, what are some other areas in your life whether it's in your personal growth, spiritual growth, mental, emotional physical also your relationships, or your business?

What are some other areas in those categories that coaching has helped you? 

Randi Jo: Definitely my career. Now that I look back at it, it has helped me, my career-wise. We're not taught this stuff at all in our careers. It was like they did come across maybe a couple of years ago to have a coach, but our coaches are our managers and they're kind of coaches, but they're not

and I think more like mentors. I would, I would get mentors. Yeah. Yeah, they are and I think having outside. A coach that helps me here, I can bring that to my career. It's also helped me with the real estate piece too. It's like getting out networking more and especially when I want to invest in real estate and I want to learn more things.

I don't wanna, I'm not saying that how do you wanna put it nicely? It's like not bragging about myself, but when I go to networks, people know who I am and that's what's nice like I'm not in the shadows. I'm out there and it's nice getting a little post on social media saying, oh, she'd be a good one to talk to, or a good one on a podcast, or whatever it is.

It's just like, it warms my heart. It's like, oh my gosh, this person's helping me so then I can pay it forward to help someone else and that's kind of where I'm at. I really, it's helped me grow a lot in what I know. I don't want, you know, I don't wanna settle. I want to learn as much as I can when I'm on this earth.

Faisal Ensaun: Oh, I love that and so also you're building your business as a coach as well and also at whoever's listening to this, if you feel aligned with Randi Jo, I definitely encourage you to connect with her because not only does she bring her experience as a probation officer, cause her role was a coach in that role, she and she had to help people move through a lot of very challenging situations, but also, Leveraging that experience, getting training as a coach and being in her role as a leader can really support you.

So if you feel aligned with her, definitely connect with her. She'll share her contact soon. But how has coaching helped you kind of put yourself out there as a coach, which I know is a big hesitation in the beginning,

Randi Jo: it has really. I guess just throw it out there. It's kind of like just fishing. You know, you can't get a fish the right to at this right away. You gotta keep throwing that lion out there and see what you're going to catch and is it worth, I'm just really excited about, Who I run into or resources, everything that I have, like I've had, even one person I just met said, I think you're going to be a good fit.

I'm gonna have this girl reach out to you cause I think you're gonna be a good fit. I know many people in real estate. Realm, but I feel that you guys would align and you'd be more of a mentor for her. She's like 20 years younger, but she wants to learn the ropes of investing and so, well, I appreciate you reaching out to me and inviting me to speak to her too.

So it's just that kind of stuff, that confidence that I can go into a room of networking and this is who I am. If it's not a good fit, it's not a good fit, it's not gonna be like, I'm gonna say, oh my gosh, I did something wrong. But it's okay to go forward and try it again. Try it again cause there's nothing to lose cause you're trying.

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah, I love that and so for those who are listening, if you're building any kind of business or you, whether you're in the real estate world or you're in the coaching world, or you're building any kind of business, one of the hardest things is actually getting enough people that would support your brand, your product.

People who would promote what you offer and so one of the first steps in there is like, are you actually known? Are people connecting with you? Like, or like Randi Jo said, you're in the shadows. If you're in the shadows or your product is in the shadows, more than likely your business is not doing well.

But once you start to develop the confidence and confidence to go out there and other people are recommending you. That is, that translates to revenue, that translates to business, that translates to freedom in terms of your resources, and if you do it right, freedom in terms of your time as well.

I'm also curious on the personal side, cause I know we've had many conversations. You don't need to share any details that share what you feel comfortable with. But has the coaching helped you in terms of either the Emotional side of things, the spiritual side of things, or within your relationships in your home and other places?

Randi Jo: It really has helped me a lot to realize what I can control and what I can't control. When it comes to family, yes, there's a lot. As a child of an alcoholic, it was, and it's hard. I guess my folks, they worked hard and bring Emotions to me as well. They're both gone. They're both gone and so I wanna leave a legacy that they started to do

and they were caregivers. My dad was a firefighter, my mom was a nurse, and they worked, you know, they both passed away at a young age and I think it had a lot to do with stress. Yeah and not being able, To enjoy their own retirement. So it's kinda like I want to build upon what their passion was, which is giving back to the community.

So my husband and I have started a nonprofit called Perfectly Imperfect. We'll be helping people 55 plus find affordable housing, whether it's affordable housing or if it's something like they're in a donut hole where they can't have enough funds to pay. To even get a shower, like a stool for your shower, something like that we can do.

So we're working on helping them to build, match that gap of whatever they're getting for their social security and then also ways to live, even if it's some, maybe we could pay a couple of months of rent for them. So it is in the works right now. So this is gonna be perfectly imperfect. It's.

Based on my parents what they wanted to do. I'm filling that legacy for them. So yeah. 

Faisal Ensaun: That is so incredible. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and if you have not connected with her Randi Jo, you definitely need to because you're, she's doing amazing things and that was one of the things that I really loved from the beginning.

And I saw that heart in Randi Jo, and I knew that she's the kind of leader who was gonna go there out there and support others and really actually make a difference and that's one of the things that I get really excited about whenever I see her post, that she sees me and her, like, I'm so excited

and I remember the time when we'd be like, Randi Jo, so what are you gonna do next? I'm gonna post and there will be a hesitation. But now she's like excited. She's jumping in, she's doing all that stuff and it's connected to a bigger purpose. It's connected to a legacy, it's connected to a vision, and that's a huge part of the coaching process to help you get clarified

and I know we've had many conversations around your faults, how you and we all experienced. The negative aspects of our life, positive aspects. But I love that you're leveraging that, like the memory and the dream and the connection with your folks, no matter how imperfect they were, just like everybody's parents are you're moving something forward positively in their memory and in the way that she would want you to move forward.

And I know they, they'd be proud of you. If they were here. Yeah, and I'm certainly proud of you for doing all the things that you're doing and I just wanna share this for everyone who's listening. If you have a bigger vision, if you have a bigger goal in your life, if you have a legacy that you're going towards, whether you're a real estate investor or investor, or an entrepreneur or a coach now coaching is for you.

If you're dealing with a transition, if you're going through a challenging period in your life, or if you are struggling to scale your business, or if you're struggling in your role as a leader, coaching is for you. If you're struggling within your home, with your family, within, with how you feel with how you connect with those around you.

Coaching is for you and that also means that we as coaches, get other coaches for that reason because generally speaking, human beings need support and coaching is a powerful way for you to get results faster, for you to move through the challenges, for you, not to feel alone, for you to get cheered on, supported, challenged, and dig deeper to understand what really truly matters to you

and as a coach, we can do that for you and I'm saying we, because Randi Jo is a coach as well and like I mentioned the beginning you can see her heart is in this process. If you're somebody who feels aligned with Randi Joe, Or with me, please reach out to us because usually, coaches will take you through a process to help you understand what it is and just experience it and decide for yourself whether it's the right kind of support for you.

I will get first of all, I want to thank your Randi Jo again for showing up here and sharing this so authentically I never know what to expect here, and it always fills my heart. please share where people can find you and what areas that they can seek support from you.

Randi Jo: My best place is LinkedIn at Randi Jo Pieper is my best place there too. So is my website. Okay and yeah, if there's something that I can help or just wanna brainstorm with, reach out to me. I'm more than happy to help with that too, and kinda stuff up. 

Faisal Ensaun: So just to clarify, you help who do you specifically help on the real estate investing side and on the coaching side?

Are there any specific people that you work with? 

Randi Jo: Right now I'm working with women that are 55 plus. Okay. They are looking at financial freedom and is it something that they want to retire early or is it something they wanna invest in? while they're still working on a W2 like I'm doing right now. So I'm working on that part.

But if it's some, you know, I'm more than happy to talk to anybody If there's just a question you have, it's like I'm here to serve as much as I can. 

Faisal Ensaun: Awesome. Well, thank you for your service out in the world and if you feel aligned with me, if you're a real estate investor, you're an entrepreneur, you're a multi-family investor, who is transitioning out of their job, or who's trying to scale their path forward.

Definitely connect with me. I'm definitely, I usually do my intro call just as a bonus just to see what you're looking for. A lot. Like for any Joe. You can find me at You can actually book a call with me or you can reach out to me on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram on any of those channels

and please do share your insight below this video or podcast wherever you hear this share and like this with anybody that you. Think needs to hear this. Anybody who's a colleague, who's a friend, a family, or a business partner who might be stuck or who's trying to grow, but they're hitting a plateau.

Coaching might be the thing for you. You might be sitting there trying to rack your brain. I need to help this person, but you might not be the right person even though you, meanwhile, cheer them on and everything. They might be stuck in ways that you don't have the skillsets in that area, that doesn't mean that you don't wanna support them, but a lot of times we might not have the skillsets in that area a lot.

Like if somebody has a plumbing issue and you really wanna help that person, but you don't know how plumbing actually works, you're not gonna, you're gonna try to help them a little bit. But then after a while, it's like you need a plumber, but you don't know who a coach is. So that's why we're talking about this.

So they might actually need a coach and they don't need to jump into anything. Just they can get on a call with Randi Jo or myself, and they'll figure out whether or not it's the right support for them. So definitely share this with that person. But other than that, thank you for listening to this until my next conversation, hope you have an incredible day.


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