An Inspirational Journey

a transformative story from fear to freedom overcoming addiction overcoming adversity overcoming obstacles the power of coaching Oct 22, 2023

From the war-torn landscapes of Afghanistan to the bustling streets of Toronto, my path has been marked by challenges most people can't even fathom. But within these challenges lie pivotal moments that have led to profound transformation.

As a teenager, I grappled with an identity crisis, struggling to reconcile my past with this unfamiliar world. The weight of my emotions led me down a perilous path of addiction and depression, culminating in a pivotal moment outside a Toronto subway station. There, amidst the chaos, I experienced an inexplicable shift—a convergence of pain, relief, and newfound purpose.

This awakening sparked a 15-year odyssey of self-exploration and learning. I delved into psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and various disciplines related to human behavior. Yet, it was a chance encounter with a mentor that catalyzed the most profound transformation. In just six months, I underwent a metamorphosis that eclipsed over a decade of growth, unearthing a reservoir of untapped potential.

The heart of my story lies in the belief that positive change is not only possible, but within reach for each and every one of us. It speaks to the human spirit's incredible capacity for resilience and growth, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Through dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous learning, I've come to understand that it's never too late to change one's course in life. This belief, that we all possess untapped potential waiting to be unearthed, is a message I carry forward in the hope that it inspires others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and positive change.

In recognizing the shortcomings in our society, I'm acutely aware of a glaring gap in our education system and cultural frameworks. It's a gap that leaves so many of us ill-equipped to navigate the intricate landscape of our emotions, make decisions about our future, and cultivate meaningful relationships. These are foundational aspects of a fulfilling and purpose-driven life, yet for far too many, they remain uncharted territory.

This realization fuels my unwavering commitment to my mission. I am driven by a deep-seated desire to bridge this gap, to ensure that no one else has to navigate this complex terrain alone. Through mentorship, education, and empowerment, I aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to not only manage their emotions and make informed decisions, but to also forge meaningful connections with others.

It is a mission grounded in the belief that every person possesses an incredible reservoir of untapped potential, waiting to be unearthed. Together, we can transform the narrative, arming ourselves and others with the knowledge and understanding needed to lead lives of purpose, fulfillment, and authentic connection. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery, for it is through this journey that we illuminate our truest selves and empower others to do the same. If you're ready to experience your own breakthrough, I invite you to join me. Together, we can uncover the transformative power that lies within you.


FREE Live Coaching with Faisal

November 8, 2023

Just imagine no longer grinding and surviving toward a distant goal, waiting for some achievement.

Instead of letting your health, happiness and relationships suffer to reach your goals...

You are instead living your best life, in your best health and growing your relationships stronger than ever while pursuing and building your dreams.

Imagine being fulfilled, clear and connected. Telling your loved ones that you have time and you have the energy.

Imagine feeling energy, focus, fulfilled, at peace and excited for each day. Working on and building something bigger than you ever thought possible for you.

It is possible for you. But not with the dated strategy and partial systems we’ve been taught.

 Seating is limited. Claim your spot now.



[00:00:00] So, uh, some of you do know me, so you know a little bit about my story, but a little bit of a tough luck. You're gonna have to hear it again because there are other people who I, uh, who need to understand, like, why are we creating this? What is this all for? Because there's, there's, for me, there's a mission behind this

[00:00:14] So, uh, for me, this whole path started, um, quite a few years ago in my early twenties. Um, and this the moment that's more vivid in my mind is a moment when I was coming out of the subway station in Toronto region in Canada.

[00:00:28] And if you know, Toronto is a very big city, a lot like New York. Um. And as I was coming out of the subway station, I felt sick. I felt weak in my body. And I went to the corner of that subway station. I could see people were walking by and usually when you're in big cities, people can literally walk over you and they wouldn't even notice anything.

[00:00:46] Uh, so I'm in the corner on the side. I was feeling like crap. I was, uh, I was feeling like my body was breaking down. Um. And in that moment. I threw up. I looked down. There was blood on the floor. Um, I wasn't actually surprised by that because I knew I had been abusing my body for a long time, um, through all sorts of addictions like alcohol, drugs, all sorts of stuff and 10 other addictions that followed that, um, basically I was, I was, uh, I was on a slow suicide mode.

[00:01:24] And, uh, I even had had the thoughts of suicide at that time. And within that moment, an interesting thing happened. That was one of the first moments where I felt, I vividly felt the pain that was, that I was going, not just physical, but emotional, spiritual, all of it. And in that moment, what, what I connected with was something very odd when I felt all the pain, but the next moment was, which was very contradictory.

[00:01:51] I felt relief. I felt peace. I felt joy that I hadn't felt for years and to my 20 year old mind, it didn't make any sense. But in retrospect, you can call it a lot of things, but maybe it was God's grace. Maybe it was a moment of realization, whatever it was, it changed something. It changed, uh, right after that moment, within the next week, all sorts of new thoughts started coming up and all sorts of things changed for me.

[00:02:24] What changed really in my life was I stopped everything. I stopped going out. I re-enrolled into college at that time and, and I forced myself to get a job, get a job on the weekend where I was working Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 12:00 AM to 12:00 PM so I was, there was no way I could get out of that.

[00:02:42] So, and, and that was the only way I could, I could do this, but even the fact that I did that, it was a miracle for me because I. It's just that there was something inside of me that, hey, you need to go in this direction. But what that gave me was it gave me the space to step back from my life. And because I had gone through so much at that point, I didn't know what to do other than put a pause on it.

[00:03:03] And just to give you guys some context. Um, I was I was born in Afghanistan. Um, and some of you might have heard it in the news. It's always there's been war there for 40 plus years at this point, um, constant regime changes. But I mean, on the outside, it looks like a news. But for my family, it was a real thing.

[00:03:20] My family had to literally flee out of there because they just, um There were bombs flying everywhere. That was the reason. And they had to go to the neighboring third world country where where the conditions weren't much better. But we lived there for quite a number of decade plus. And when you go through an environment like that, you tend to deal with a lot of the there's a much heightened level of fear.

[00:03:45] And when you're in survival mode, a lot of people feel feel and fear and survival mode on the side of the world. But there's physical survival on that side of the world. So you could tangibly feel it around you. With our parents, with the people around us and in the thought process, for example, my parents, their day to day concern was that and it wasn't the kind of concern parents have here that their kids are going.

[00:04:07] There's a 1 percent chance that their kids are going to get kidnapped or something. There was a good 70 80 percent chance that my sisters were going to get abducted. Or we were going to get abducted or somebody was just going to take us away. There was a really good chance because we were illegal immigrants.

[00:04:22] My dad was going to get arrested and we were all going to be deported back to a country where we couldn't go back to. So when you're in those situations, you grow up with a very interesting set of thoughts and beliefs and emotions. And I wasn't the only one. There are millions of people that went through that.

[00:04:39] For some reason, I had a different reaction When I was, uh, in my late teens, my family were sponsored to come over to Canada, Toronto region. And as soon as I came in, I was excited, but pretty soon, uh, just within a month or so, I felt it all. Um, first of all, this world was so different from the world that I'd come from.

[00:05:01] I couldn't make sense of it. Two, as I went towards this world, um, I didn't know who I was anymore. I couldn't understand my own values, my beliefs. On top of that, I had so many situations that I had gone through, I didn't know how to make sense of them as a teenager. And a lot of teenagers do. But then that, because the pain was so high, I didn't know what to do with it.

[00:05:22] And I, the only thing I could do was run away. And my running away showed up in the form of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, depression for a number of years leading up to that moment in front of that subway station.

[00:05:34] And, um, from that point on, I spent the next 15 plus years putting aside everything in the beginning, aside everything that I thought I knew. And I started studying anything from psychology to philosophy, spirituality, history, sciences related to human behavior and natural systems. And the more I studied, the more I realized the That I needed to learn a lot of things.

[00:05:54] Um, and I needed to apply different things in my life that served me and my family. And over the years, I grew quite a bit. But then about I think it was about 11 years ago when I met my mentor and coach, and I went through a process for about six months. Um, and by the end of those six months, up until then, I was a changed person from all the growth that I've gone through.

[00:06:20] But the end of the six months, I had seen more of a change in me than I saw in 15 plus years. Um, and that that blew my mind because it's as if somebody completely rewired who I was and connect me to a part of me that I didn't know existed and that part of me was my potential. And had I not gone through that, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you.

[00:06:41] I wouldn't be on stages. I wouldn't be connecting with people. I wouldn't be supporting and serving people. I wouldn't have the family that I have. I wouldn't be able to let go of a lot of the pain that I went through. I wouldn't be able to connect it to my faith, who I was deep, who I am deep down. None of it would have happened.

[00:06:56] And when I went through that, one of my first thoughts was, why wasn't that available to me? And all my years of education, all the people around me, why wasn't that a part of our normal part of process that people go through? And as many real estate investors and entrepreneurs know, I mean, you might have read this, but a lot of people have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he points to the financial problems in our education system, but that's the tip of the iceberg.

[00:07:27] It's not just our education system, it's in our families in our cultures where things there are things that have been lost in the process of modernization and industrial age and and and the societies that we built up a lot of it is positive, but there are things that have been lost that we're not teaching anymore that we're not working through and we're losing people on the way. And it wasn't just me. When I looked around myself, um, over the, I look around myself the past 40 years, I've, I've seen, uh, people around me committing suicide, people going through depression, people losing families, people losing their lives, only because they were not taught how to understand themselves and what mattered to them.

[00:08:11] They were just taught to live a certain way. But really, my mission became after that is how, how can I go deeper here and how can I connect others with what matters to them and what they want to create connected to their soul, their core and what is deep down in their heart?

[00:08:28] whatever you want to call it. But my mission became us to support individuals, leaders, uh, support families, support families, organizations to help them create something that's more harmonious. That's more, um, that's a system that's there to support each other, their kids,

[00:08:47] their families and other people around me.


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