The Best Attitude is Gratitude

Jul 18, 2023

In our fast-paced and often hectic lives, it's easy to overlook the abundance and blessings that surround us. Today, we delve into the power of gratitude and its transformative impact on our lives. I want to share a personal story that led me to reflect deeply on gratitude and its significance. Join me as we explore the essence of gratitude, what it isn't, and practical steps to infuse more gratitude into our lives.


A Busy Week of Reflection


Last week, I embarked on a journey to Texas with my business partners, attending an event and engaging with like-minded individuals. It was an intense week, with long hours and little time for personal connections. Amidst the busyness, I called my family each day, but it was a brief interaction. Finally, upon returning home, I experienced an overwhelming sense of joy as my family eagerly awaited my arrival.


A Profound Realization


In the aftermath of this eventful week, I found myself having deep realizations—a common occurrence for me after such gatherings. The conversations I had with others shed light on their personal challenges, revealing that their struggles often extended beyond business. Reflecting on my own life, I shared these insights with my wife, who had been juggling her responsibilities as a mother in my absence.


Acknowledging the Unsung Hero


During this heartfelt conversation, I mustered the courage to express my gratitude to my wife. I wanted her to see herself through my eyes—to understand the tremendous value she brings to our lives. I acknowledged the tremendous effort she invests in caring for our children, managing our home, supporting my endeavors, and working as a coach. I highlighted the attention to detail, the love, and the safe environment she creates for our family. It became clear to me that I had taken her unwavering commitment for granted.


Gratitude: Feeling, Reflecting, and Sharing


Gratitude is more than a fleeting emotion or a mere thought. It is an awareness of the abundance that surrounds us. It requires us to engage our senses fully, to be present in the moment, and to notice the details that make our lives extraordinary. Gratitude cannot be reduced to an obligation; it is a genuine appreciation for what is real and available to us.


Contrary to popular belief, gratitude does not breed complacency. In fact, it propels us forward with renewed motivation and purpose. When we embrace gratitude, our focus shifts from survival mode to embracing life's opportunities. It opens our minds to new perspectives, deepening our connections with ourselves, others, and the world around us.


Practical Steps to Cultivate Gratitude


Now that we understand the essence of gratitude, let's explore how we can incorporate it into our lives:


  1. Develop Awareness: Start by engaging your senses. Notice the small joys, the simple pleasures, and the blessings that often go unnoticed. Whether it's the aroma of your morning coffee, the warmth of a loved one's embrace, or the beauty of nature, consciously immerse yourself in the present moment.


  1. Express Gratitude: Take time each day to write down what you feel grateful for. Embrace the power of specificity and authenticity in your expressions. Share your gratitude with loved ones, friends, or colleagues, making them aware of the positive impact they have on your life. Vulnerability and heartfelt appreciation forge genuine connections.


  1. Live with Abundance: Even during challenging times, shift your focus to the journey, not just the destination. Live as though abundance surrounds you, appreciating the progress you make, the effort you invest, and the love and peace that find their way into your life. Intentionally seek out the aspects that fill your life with richness.




Gratitude is not an abstract concept; it is a way of life that transforms our perspective and deepens our connections. By heightening our awareness, expressing genuine gratitude, and living with a sense of abundance, we open ourselves to a world of joy, fulfillment, and limitless possibilities. Let us embrace gratitude and cultivate a life rich in appreciation and connection.


Remember, gratitude begins with a shift in perspective and a conscious decision to see the beauty and blessings that surround us.

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