Enjoy These Free Training Segments
from Faisal Ensaun
Creating Peace, Freedom & Possibilities from Within
Success- Day 25 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 25!
1) What does success mean to you?
2) What do you do or what can you do on a daily basis to create success in your life based on your definition of success?
Post your answers in the comments section (On the...
Authenticity - Day 24 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 24!
1) Have you recognized your authentic self yet? How do you know if it is your authentic self?
2) How authentic are you towards yourself and others?
Post your answers in the comments section below....
Human nature - Day 23 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 23!
1) Do you think human beings are innately good, peaceful, compassionate and loving? If yes why? If No, why?
Post your answers in the comments section below. Make sure you like & share the video...
Natural laws - Day 22 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 22!
1) Do you think the things that happen in your life are random, or are there patterns and causes behind the things that happen in your life? If random, how? And if there are causes and...
Self worth - Day 21 (30 day challenge)
Here are the questions for day 21!
1) Do you place value on yourself because of the things that you do, the way you look, the money you make or don’t make, the status you have or don’t have, the relationships you have or...
Ego - Day 20 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 20!
1) Do you recognize the ego self within you? How and what is your ego self?
2) What do you think will happen if you accept the Ego as a part of you, without rejection, judgement or escape?
Post your...
Perception - Day 19 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 19:
1) Do you think people see things or understand their environment exactly the way that you do? Why or why not?
2) How do you think your perception of yourself and the world around you affects...
Self expression - Day 18 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 18!
1) Do you express who you are, what is important to you and what you look forward to in life on a consistent basis to the people that you love? If yes, why and how? If no, why not and how do...
Relationships - Day 17 (30 day challenge)
Here are the questions for day 17!
1) What do your relationships mean to you?
2) What do you consciously do on a consistent basis to increase the quality of your relationships or what can you do on a consistent basis to increase the...
Identity attachment - Day 16 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 16!
1) Who are you, what is your identity?
2) What does your identity mean to you?
3) Where do you think you got the idea for that identity?
Post your answers in the comments section below....
Forgiveness - Day 15 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 15!
1) What does forgiveness mean to you?
2) Have you forgiven in the past? If so, how did you forgive?
3) Do you think you need to forgive yourself or someone else in your life? If so, why have you...
Positive thinking - Day 14 (30 day challenge)
Here are the challenge questions for day 14!
1) What are some of the things that you are happy and grateful about in your life?
2) How present are you with yourself and with others? How can you get more present?
3) What do you look forward...