Enjoy These Free Training Segments
from Faisal Ensaun

Creating Peace, Freedom & Possibilities from Within
Building Your Vision & Identity with High Performance Coach Faisal Ensaun | Onthentic Podcast interview my story vision Sep 12, 2022

When you feel really stuck and in the same rut and aren’t sure how to make your big goals and dreams come true and feel that you just don’t have what it takes – you are not alone. And believe it or not – everyone that you look up to and envy as a success has felt the...

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Developing Confidence business clarity confidence faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach mindset vision Sep 05, 2022

What does confidence mean to you? Is it your appearance? Is it how you present yourself? Is it how you perform in daily life? This video will help break down the three types of confidence: Skill, Roll, and Self. 


To help you build better confidence, you must first have a better...

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Interfering vs Supporting in Relationships clarity faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach vision Aug 23, 2022


Interfering vs Supporting in Relationships 


Here is a video I made for you to help you understand the importance of supporting a relationship vs interfering in a relationship.  Are you a caretaker or a caregiver?  This is a common strain within many types of...

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Overwhelm Around Goals and Tasks Aug 15, 2022


Overwhelmed Around Goals and Tasks? 


Here is a video I made for you to help you understand how to overcome the frustration with the long list of goals and tasks. With 2 very interconnected areas that will set you up to move your vision forward. 



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Focusing on Your Business vs Diversifying clarity confidence dreams energy focus how to stay focused productivity success Aug 08, 2022

As entrepreneurs focusing on one thing at a time can be a challenge but if your focus isn't on growing your business, does that business gain traction?  

"Having focus on one thing and moving it forward, building your craft around it and building a model around it, automating it, all...

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Clarifying your vision vision Jul 19, 2022

🌀Are you clear about your vision? 🌀

Here is a video I made for you to help you understand why it is so important for you to be clear about your vision before you set goals. This is a common mistake that most entrepreneurs make. 

 🔥Go over to the following page to get instant...

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Is it the world or is it your own thoughts? thoughts May 18, 2022

Here is a video I made for you that helps you think through what is really causing the challenges in your life. Is it the world or is it your own thoughts?


🌀Is it the world or is it your thoughts?🌀


🔥If you are ready to take charge of your own mind and life, go to the following...
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The #1 value you need to network, connect and collaborate with people in business and life. people relationships Mar 25, 2022

The #1 value you need to network, connect and collaborate with people in business and life. 

🔥Go to the following link to find out how you can get better at building relationships in business and life:


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This is what is real & possible for you possibility success Feb 24, 2022
🌀This is what is real & possible for you🌀
☀️ In this video I share some perspective about what is actually happening in peoples lives around their health, wealth and relationships and what is possible for you. This is based on my experience working with hundreds of clients from around...
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What is draining your energy? energy productivity Feb 03, 2022
🌀What is draining your energy?🌀
🔥 If you want to create more without feeling drained in your life or business, go to the following link:
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Sharing my story and challenges with you...... Jan 27, 2022

Sharing my story and the challenges I went through to get here in the hopes that it will inspire you to create the life that you truly want for yourself, your family and community.

Check out my new course to help you get connected to the life that you truly want:  ...

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What is the purpose of money in your life? mindset money Jan 05, 2022
If you like training like this, please check out my new 5 Module vision building video series + Bonuses:
If you are looking to join a community of high performers who are on the same path as you and want to get more...
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