Enjoy These Free Training Segments
from Faisal Ensaun

Creating Peace, Freedom & Possibilities from Within
Starting the Year Strategically and Effectively Dec 06, 2022

Each year we start off with amazing goals and resolutions to conquer our weight, earn X amount of money, do this, do that, and feel great!  But what are your strategies to meet those goals? Have you written down your aspirations? Are you covering all aspects of your life?


The first...

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Connecting with Consciousness Nov 29, 2022

Recently I had the pleasure of being on the Dream Catchers podcast with Jerome Myers. We talked about energy, consciousness, and finding out who you are. We're living in a very complex world where everybody's trying to find a way to get along and support each...

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Communication as the Basis for Relationships Nov 21, 2022

Are you having a hard time connecting in relationships? Struggling with establishing trust within a business, with family, with friends, or even with your kids? 

If you are saying one thing but your body language says another, people pick up on that.  7% of communication is on our words...

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Challenges That Multifamily Investors are Going Through alignment challenges multi-family investing Nov 15, 2022

Are you consistently frustrated and struggling within your business? Ready to make a change?


I have been working with real estate investors for the past few years helping them to get to the root cause of their frustrations and struggles. What I have found is that it comes down to not...

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What Does it Really Mean to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone? Nov 08, 2022

What does it really mean to get out of your comfort zone?  We all have a level of comfort that we want to stay in, within our relationships, our environment, our workout routine, and maybe even your business, but are you seeing the growth you want to see in those areas?  



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Conversation with Erina, Facing Overwhelm Nov 01, 2022

The feeling of overwhelm is the anticipation of something going wrong.

Each day we wake up and have to immediately make decisions, the decision to work out, what to wear, what to eat, you make decisions for your family and your business. With your energy being pulled and expanded...

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Recalibrating Your Mind acceptance business clarity faisal ensaun high performance high-performance coach life life coach potential vision Oct 26, 2022

I had the pleasure of being on the Conscious Investor Podcast with my good friend and colleague Julie Holly.  We created this video for you to recognize the importance of recalibrating your mind during trying times.  With so much of the world driving fear into us, it can be hard to see...

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Integrating Life and Business Oct 18, 2022

Why is it important to integrate your life and your businesses? If you have multiple businesses without a connection between them, ask yourself if all your doing is staying busy.  Ask yourself does your lifestyle work with your business, and does your business align with the lifestyle you...

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Tracking in Performance and Business Oct 11, 2022

Focus. This one word can make or break you. Whether it’s at work, home, the gym, or anywhere else. Losing focus could cause you to not meet those personal goals, lose clients, miss deadlines, or not get that home project done in a timely manner. Keeping your focus and staying on track is a...

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Building Your Vision and Identity with Monica Fawn acceptance authenticity beliefs blind allegiance build your identity build your vision confidence courage dreams faisal ensaun identity vision Oct 04, 2022

What adventure are you yearning for? What desire drives you? What motivates you? The answers to those questions will help you uncloud your vision and discover your true identity.


I join Monica Fawn on her podcast “Onthentic”  and dig deep to understand why we become the...

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Creating Amazing Relationships acceptance authenticity clarity confidence courage emotions expectations faisal ensaun gratitude relationships Sep 19, 2022

Creating Amazing Relationships


Here is a video I made for you to help you understand the importance of cultivating amazing relationships in all aspects of life; family, friends, clients, team members, life partners, etc. 


What does having an amazing relationship mean to...

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Letting Go of Control Sep 13, 2022

How much control do you want or need in life? Does your need for control in certain aspects help or hinder you with work, family, community, etc.?  


As we grow and age, sometimes the things we try to control change. Our ways of life change from generation to generation. The...

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